Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Know You're a Teacher When

We're having a party!!! A linky party!!!
A teacher linky party!!!!

Jeannie's hosting her first linky party over at Kindergarten Lifestyle and has been clever enough to tie it to a Pinterest board by the same title:
"You know you're a teacher when........ "

So I've been having fun thinkin' on the sentence starter.
I have insight from my most-read posts.

You know you're a teacher when you get excited about graphic organizers, otherwise known as foldables. Here's the link to the original article I wrote -- with additional images of 'foldable' ideas and the link to all things foldable.

You know you're a teacher when you read a heart-felt teacher-story and you mist over, tear-up and feel a warmth from head-to-toe as you recommit to your calling.

This is the link to the article about my recent Author/Illustrator visit last month to an elementary school.
I'm predicting this article will be a favorite story for some time.

I'll be thinking of these 'truths' now forever, I'm sure!

What about you?

You know you're a teacher when..................
Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section.

If you're a blogger join the linkie!!

-- Debbie --


  1. LOVE THIS!!!
    I shared on my blog!

  2. They absolutely do!! Thank you Debbie for joining my linky party!! It's so fun!!

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