Rainbows Reporting!!! I've made quite a few end-of-the-year school visits wearing my author-illustrator hat. I thought that I'd share some 'keepsakes' and rhymes that I have seen out on my circuit of "Music Lady" visits to conclude the year across the Midwest.

These treasures were on the wall at Sutter Park Elementary last week. Above the teacher's desk it was something of a walk-of-fame, like the Hollywood sidewalk. You know with the stars and handprints from the beautiful people. This wall had treasured mementos featuring the previous students. I thought you might appreciate seeing the poems included with the smiles of the classmates.
Here's from an even earlier year as you can see. Same idea of including the photos of the classmates, this time just a slightly different format and a different rhyme. Since they're laminated they can serve as a permanent reminder of those very first school friends!
Here's what one of the classes was working on to send home this year. Heartfelt expressions of wishing well on the road to new adventures. Of course I LUV LUV LUV the color! And I never tire of handprints either!
Now from Preschool in central Ohio up to the edge of Detroit: Taylor, Michigan to be exact. Take a look at this series of rhymes, housed in the place of honor -- inside the school's showcase. So I'm taking the photos thru glass, but I think you can still get the idea. The elementary school that I visited is Blair Moody and their mascot is the eagle.... which you will see if you read to the end!
I shared these two last week from my Fine Motor Friday continuing series, but it seems appropriate to have them housed in this round-up as well.

This one is a 'scrambled'-up-and-rearrange project and I'm not sure that I got everything in the right order exactly, but I think you get enough to catch on -- or you can always adapt the idea for your own use.

I shared this next one back in my popular Mother's Day post,
but I think the rhyme is certainly suitable for 'end-of-the-year' (EOY) attaching a keepsake photo, too!!
Are you trying to remember the words in this ol' Faithful rhyme?
I was so excited to see that it is still in use!
I was so excited to see that it is still in use!
Every end of the school year implies the beginning of a new year is just around the corner. Every teacher I know is already contemplating how to get things started for next year. And now we have Pinterest as our ever present resource!
Here's my all-time favorite year-launching idea ever!
This beginning-of-the-year greeting letter has been hanging here at WonderPeep Central on the refrigerator for almost a year now. You kinda get the impression that its well loved, don't you?
It seriously has to be one of my favorite pictures of the five of them. The photo was taken at a before-school starts screening, meet your teacher type event. Can you imagine my daughter's beating heart to be given this page, with this sentiment, with this pic of her crew? Yeah, Mrs. Davis!!!
I wanna be clear. I didn't write the letter above and I don't know that Mrs. Davis did either. That's the thing about Pinterest and the internet and sharing great ideas..... I'm not certain who should get the credit for any of the written words above. Hopefully the authors of these sentiments are the type(s) that are happy to have their thoughts out and circulating even if they don't receive the credit. If these are your words, please let me know and I'll certainly give you the spotlight.
In the mean time Happy End of the Year, Planning ahead!!
P.S. Look what came home in WonderBoy's backpack today!!!! Yup that's Mrs. Davis with WB. The message 'below' is on the back of the photo!!
And here's her 'end-of-the-year' letter home as a keepsake.
It seems fitting to include a couple of EOY (End of Year) Bulletin Boards as well.
Here's a couple of my favorites.

***FLASH FROM THE FUTURE! You've been reading my RoundUP from 2012. I now have another article of 'goodies' from 2013. Please go to next year's article where I have a seriously-too-clever piggyback song for Kindergarten graduation to share. I also wrote a poem myself to be used as a certificate at 'graduation' or End-of-Year transition -- to be used as a keepsake for student scrapbooks.
I have two songs that I have written and recorded that each get used for End-of-Year performances.
Click the pic and you'll go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
I have now recorded music to accompany my EOY poem from a couple years ago.
The digital zipped file is over at TpT.
It includes the MP3 recording and the poem/lyrics for printing.
I want you to get to hear the song and get inspired to create your own
EOY slideshow from your own photos.
Grab a tissue. There may be a tear or two..............
-- Debbie --
We are happy to distribute
for flexible seating in your classroom!
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Click the pic to go to our website. Call my hubby for ????? WE ACCEPT PURCHASE ORDERS! |
I am adding my songs into zipped files with support materials, by following you'll know when I add new products.
Just added this to the EOY LinkUP at Minds in Bloom!
Also added to Mrs. Wheeler's May Mash-up