Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bulletin Boards, Classroom Doors and Part 3

photo of: Classroom Door Decoration for Teacher Appreciation Week

Welcome back to my ongoing little mini-series of classroom doors and bulletin boards with the occasional showcase and mural tossed in. These beauties are from my day up in Taylor, Michigan. 

How brilliant is this 'bucket-filling' concept for Teacher Appreciation Week? The big bucket is on the door into their teacher's lounge. Here's a close-up of a few of the drops filling the bucket. Words of thanks. Words of appreciation. Words of gratitude. LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV it!!

photo of: Fill your Bucket hand written notes of support for Teacher Appreciation Week

The trick of making an Author-Illustrator school visit AND getting material for such a blog post is to have three things: a few minutes in between program presentation-performances, sufficient memory card space and enough battery power for one's camera!!! Every now and then the stars align and VOILA!

Take a look over my shoulder as I dash down the halls at Blair Moody Elementary. Get a gander at this beauty! In graphic design it's always 'simplicity' that wins in my book. I'd nominate this one for an award! Classroom Door Decoration Award: CDDA finalist for sure!! AWESOME!!

photo of: Classroom Door Decoration for Dr. Seuss book The Lorax

Now take a look at the walls around this gloriously decorated door. It's a whole parade of personalized Lorax characters marching about between truffula trees! Talk about bringing a book to life! You gotta know as an author-illustrator, seeing this sort of attention to detail for any author's work is a thrill!! Yeah teachers! Yeah school!!! Shaking my pompoms for this one folks!!

photo of: Dr. Seuss Bulletin Board details for The Lorax picture book

Further down the hallway this delight caught my eye!!

photo of: Classroom Door Decoration for Mercer Mayer picture book "I Just Forgot"

How important is this next one? It's the first 'building-wide' bulletin board I've ever noticed that is designed to celebrate the writing within the whole building!!! KUDOS! Five stars!! There are submissions displayed from the littles all way through to the bigs! LUV it!!

photo of: Classroom Door Decoration for Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade Welcome
photo of: Bulletin Board to display Excellence in Writing in Elementary School
Camp Cow-a-bunda Classroom Door 
photo of: Monkey theme Classroom door decoration, zoo bulletin board, jungle reading decoration
Who doesn't like a 'monkey' themed classroom? 
photo of: Classroom Door decorated as an old fashioned school, Kindergarten Door Deocration
Old School: Welcome Door 
Teacher Appreciation 
photo of: Classroom Door Decoration with Bear Theme: Be Excited About Reading
BEAR: Be Excited About Reading
photo of: Classroom Door Decoration: Dive Into a Good Book
Dive into a Good Book 

Self Portraits + Photos on Classroom Door 
photo of: Classroom Door Decoration Detail: Cowboy Western Theme
photo of: Classroom Door of Student Photos with Quote Bubbles via RainbowsWithinReach
Third Grade Thoughts on Classroom Door (with Photos) 

photo of: Classroom Door Decoration: Garfield Reading Theme
Garfield and hid Cool Classroom Door 
photo of: Classroom Door Decoration: "Bee" a Reader
Classroom Door: Bee a Reader!
photo of: Classroom Door Decoration with Monkey Theme via RainbowsWithinReach
Classroom Door with Chicka Chica Boom-boom/Monkey Theme
photo of: Classroom Door with Turkeys via RainbowsWithinReach
Classroom Door with Turkey Pilgrims 
photo of: Classroom Door Hollywood Theme via RainbowsWithinReach
Hollywood Theme for Classroom Door Decoration

photo of: Classroom Door via RainbowsWithinReach
Jungle Exploration on Classroom Door 

photo of: Join Team Power for encouragement of Physical Fitness: Turn off your screen, get moving!!
Use Your Power Showcase for Healthy Living
photo of: Classroom Door of Individual Decorated Hands via RainbowsWithinReach
Individually Designed Hands Decorate Classroom Door in Colorado 
Hands Painted to form Door's Wreath

photo of: Christmas Decorated Door Celebrating Germany (Christmas Bulletin Board RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)
Germany Theme for Classroom Door
photo of: Art Room Door Welcome
Art Room Door's Permanent Decor

photo of: Classroom Door Decoration for Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)
Handprint Turkeys Decorate the Classroom Door in Texas
Door's Glass Window Pane with Decorated Wreath 
photo of: Painted Welcome Mural to Art Room
Art Room Door Decoration

photo of: Spring bulletin board with insects, butterflies and blooming tree

photo of: Our Winning Team Bulletin Board

photo of: Owl Theme Bulletin Board: Whooooooo's Ready to Learn?

Now a little time machine: speaking of filling your bucket...... I've had a couple of earlier posts that have included those visuals. Here's a bulletin board from my two day residency in Clyde OH's Main Street Elementary. Of course I LUV every one of my invitations into schools, but when its my third or fourth visit over a decade of years, I may have a tad bit of partiality. 

Just being in their new building amid old friends filled my bucket!

photo of: Bulletin Board for Being a Bucket Filler

If your site is into the bucket filling metaphor, you simply owe it to yourself to click back in time to this previous post from my visit to a Tampa, FL site of kindergarten kiddos. Not only did they have individual children's buckets-of-craftivity decorated on their classroom door, they had an entire system of 'library book pockets' with notes being left inside to encourage kindness and cooperation. [Click right here to go back to that earlier article.]

photo of: Children's Art for Bucket Filling Project
Bucket-filling Bulletin Board of Creativity
welcome wreath for school, crayon wreath, Pinterest image, Pinterest permission
Door's Wreath of Crayons

There's a lot here to inspire your creations for the years ahead. I hope that you're enjoying walking alongside my adventures down the hallways of this past school year! Would you be kind and pin this image of the collage below? It will bring my work additional visibility -- while you help out a peer looking for an inspiration. THANKS!

photo of: Classroom Door Decorations on Pinterest? That's how you know you're a teacher! Bulletin Board Ideas, too!

photo of: Classroom Door Decoration Ideas + Bulletin Board Ideas as well! (series of articles from school visits)

I realize that you may just be popping through from Pinterest and have never heard of me. I'll conclude with a favorite YouTube video shot on Long Island.
Let me share just a glimmer of one of my Author Illustrator School Visits.  

This group of 330 kindergarten children created the most colossal bulletin board of all time in response to my first picture book, "You're Wonderful." Enjoy a rousing presentation of my original children's song "Glad I'm at School Today." 

-- Debbie --

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BIGGEST BTS Bulletin Board Collection!

THE Collection of over 200 Back-to-School Bulletin Boards at RainbowsWithinReach

Based on the popularity of this article, I created a bulletin board RoundUP. Click here. 

Photo of: Bulletin Board Round-UP via RainbowsWithinReach (All Seasons!!)

From the future...... MORE bulletin boards! 
{Click picture to go to article}

I also have a collaborative Pinterest board dedicated to door decorations + bulletin boards. Join the 47,250++ teacher-pinners who are already following my Pinterest collection by clicking here. 

Follow on Bloglovin

Note from the future: 
I now have a little store over at TpT!
Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth -

My store has zipped files that include Mp3s of my original songs for children. Come over and get your freebie! 

This post has been added to TBA's international blog hop!

There's No Place Like Home


  1. your ideas are really fabulous--got any ideas for "growing leaders" - our theme for this year.

    1. Thanks so much for your supportive comment. There is a 'growing' bulletin board in the first section of this mini-series. Hmmmmm growing leaders. I'll have to think on that one. Don't know that I have a perfect suggestion. All of the bulletin boards on 'respect' also from the first article might tie in some how. Good luck!!!


  2. I love all of these bulletin board displays. What great ideas as teaches begin thinking about setting up their classroom or anytime of the year. Thanks for joining TBA's International Blog Hop!

  3. hello, is there a tutorial or a website where I can get the monkey themed door decoration?

    1. No tutorials here -- just the inspiration from the original source.



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