Have I mentioned lately how much I LUV blogging?
I truly enjoy going about my day -- on the look out for images that might brighten your day!
I was fortunate to have a few minutes in between performances to see these beauties!
I wrote a post just recently about 'open-ended and process' Art.
You can click right here to go back to that ramble.
Here's another glorious example of children + paint = JOY!!
There's a real 'trick' to giving young children free reign at the easel.
They need enough space to have fun and explore, but you've simultaneously got to be hovering close enough to help the child know "when-to-say-when" and 'stop' all of their enthusiasm........ otherwise you end up with a whole piece of paper 'flooded' with paint and it often ends up looking like a big bunch of mud.
Obviously these teachers know how to direct open-ended art. The painted colors and strokes remain vivid and crisp -- bright and delightful. YEAH TEACHERS!!!! Jackson Pollock would be proud.
The most amazing thing about blogging?
There are people who read along and end-up being inspired by something that you said!!! Here's a blog post over at Mandy's blog, A Special Kind of Class, inspired by my earlier post on this subject. Here's her take on what I had to say. This is an example of one of their finished tree collages -- giving the child the reigns and standing back. Whooohoooooo circles!!!!!
Art from: A Special Kind of Class, Children w Disabilities |
**This post has been added to the very FIRST Linkie-Party hosted by PreK+K Sharing. Click on our button below to be taken directly to the monumental blog-hop of: ALL THINGS PAINTING!!! You've got to see all of the other ideas!

Amy's amazing article and the painting link-up, inspired my latest article for our collaborative.
I wrote a LENGTHY + opinionated post all about the difference between process + product.
I hope that you'll click over to that article next and leave your opinion and experience.
I am truly honored to be mentioned on your blog. Thank you so much. My students enjoyed the project and I think the end result was much nicer when they had control over the outcome.
ReplyDeleteYou're the one to be thanked!!!!! Your consideration of my post and including me at your house (blog) is the first of a kind -- that I've become aware of. I'm over the moon.
I've had quite a lot of mentoring over the past couple of months -- as to how I could be more of a 'resource' here & receiving your feedback is the happiest reflection on this learning curve for me. What a great, "it's almost your birthday present" you could unknowingly give me!!!
All the best. Next time, we'll have a plan!
Go Debbie, Go Debbie, GO! Yet another wonderful process art link! Thanks for linking up over at PreKandK Sharing for the We LOVE Paint linky party!
ReplyDeleteAmy!!!! I'm so excited about the linky party giving greater visibility to the simplicity and gazillion ways that paint can be explored with children. GREAT idea!!!!