Thursday, December 15, 2011

Beach day: Thankful Thursday!

Pretend that's my 'little-brother' and me.

Pretend that you have a time machine and can rewind and choose a moment.
He was always bigger than I was -- even when we were about that age. I had long brown hair, he was always a step ahead of me. This could be the two of us. It really could.

Instead, of this being a shot from my personal time capsule, its a moment I captured yesterday. What fun to watch. What fun to document. What fun to savor their moment and recall so many of mine salted away. (In actuality these particular children are of no relation.)

Jumpin' waves, when there's an endless supply available...... that's how to pack more joy and laughter into your living.

It's the middle of December and walking the beach appreciating 'the-joy-of-the-jumpers' feels decadent. Bathing suits and bare feet in December? Savor the sunshine, indeed!!

                   Here's another possibility with another fitting thought. (Vote for your favorite.)

It's a gift to spend the day walking the waves.
It's a gift to think back through my earlier beach walks.

Do you need some more calming sand shots? Wanna see my favorite bunch of beach shots on the Mediterranean in Italy from this spring? [You just have to click here to see the rest of the scenes with the polka-dots-on-siesta. Here's a taste-test of my fave. Some of you know how much I like the polkas, the rest of the pictures in Italy are rock cairns -- another fave.]  

Back to the time machine concept. Here's a peek at what those two up above will look like something about 4 to 4.5 decades from now. He's still taller! 

Speaking of brothers....... my long term readers may remember the horror my older brother experienced this summer when his home caught fire and he was trapped below a bookshelf-- (he spent weeks in ICU, the first in a coma.) While I'm off on this tangent of family, I want you to know that five months later he continues to recover, has relocated and has been able to go back at work. It was a vigilant Lassie-doggy's barking that saved his life.

Our family has a lot to be grateful for this season.
Spending time together is at the top of the list!
Having happy memories is way up there, too!!!

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