But back to the onc visit. He's given me his thumb's up, all clear..... head to FL blessing. Whooohooooo!!! So we're taking that opportunity to get outta Dodge, head for the sunshine and we're thinking thru our departure.
Now, back to the graphic image above. This was created by one of my fellow Wittenberg University, art major friends, Patricia Saxton. She has been creating a series of graphic images for a series she's entitled: "52 Weeks of Peace." I suggested she might do something for breast cancer and voila -- we are week #22 in her series. I am so totally over-whelmed.
Here's what she wrote on her blog:
“Debbie’s Peace”
I designed this week’s peace sign in particular honor of a friend of mine whose positive, effervescent spirit shines everywhere she goes. It’s the rare individual who radiates her kind of light and blatant enthusiasm for life ~ the kind of person who unwittingly causes you to pause and embrace life right along with her. And because she recently came through a second cancer surgery – with flying colors and a good report - she’ll be able to keep on shinin’.
For my friend, this piece is a celebration of life.
In her honor, “Debbie’s Peace” is dedicated to all the courageous survivors – as well as to the memory of those who battled and lost. And hopefully this small offering will serve as another reminder for all of us to give our support and fervent hope towards finding a cure.
Wow - that is beautiful.