What are your resolutions for this New Year?
How are you doing on your goals??
Have you taken the time to write your goals down?
Are they measurable?
Are you making progress?
Do you make 'micro-movements' daily?
The concept of 'micro-movements' is a term I learned from my favorite author, SARK. Even teeny-tiny baby steps add up over time!!
The concept of 'micro-movements' is a term I learned from my favorite author, SARK. Even teeny-tiny baby steps add up over time!!
I just LUV getting to see work on display!
I had 'seen' this idea on Pinterest earlier,
but seeing the actual students goals in person?
You guessed it! PRICELESS!!!
****The concept of encouraging children to dream BIG is explored in depth over at our collaborative blog,
PreK + K Sharing today by author Bill Corbett.

His article is pivotal for anyone working with children.
Click right here to jiff over to his insightful ideas.
It's never too early to start leading children toward their optimal DREAMS!
*********Speaking of dreaming big and collaborative blogs,
just today on Friday the 13th I have been added as a contributor over at:

I'm really learning about reaching out, collaborating, spreading the LUV + working together! Special word of thanks to Deanna Jump at Mrs. Jump's Class blog, for the invitation!!! Let's hear it for new learning curves in the New Year!!!
I had 'seen' this idea on Pinterest earlier,
but seeing the actual students goals in person?
You guessed it! PRICELESS!!!
****The concept of encouraging children to dream BIG is explored in depth over at our collaborative blog,
PreK + K Sharing today by author Bill Corbett.

His article is pivotal for anyone working with children.
Click right here to jiff over to his insightful ideas.
It's never too early to start leading children toward their optimal DREAMS!
*********Speaking of dreaming big and collaborative blogs,
just today on Friday the 13th I have been added as a contributor over at:

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