Thursday, April 30, 2009
Back Yard Fireworks
What a riot of color our little 'tree-lets' are producing this spring. They are just bristling with a pink fire of buds and delight. I'm so happy that the deer who roam our little neighborhood have allowed them to mature. We have lost soooooo many plantings to their taste buds, that it's an enormous thrill to see what does, indeed survive. I think all the conditions of precipitation and temperature have converged to make these trees absolutely dazzle this year.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Air Guitar, Rock Star
Today was 'lucky duck day' and we had a special request for "Dinosaur Romp." Here's our big kids playing their air guitars as we romp around the large muscle room. And yes. For anyone keeping track..... those are indeed my ORIGINAL, "Happy Pants!! Purchased well over a decade ago at a thrift store with Noelle, up on the north end. They were my very first 'costume' piece. The kids just loved them everywhere I wore them -- and that's what instigated my whole current wardrobe-of-choice. LOL. I'm sure they've been washed several hundred times, and while not quite as bright as they were in the beginning, they still make a statement. Unfortunately the derriere is getting v-e-r-y thin and I fear they will need to be retired in the near future. I may have to quilt a whole new back side for them. In any case they will go to the Debbie Clement hall-of-fame upon their final retirement. Memories.
Hallway Goldie Artwork
Take a peek at the artwork in the hallway as I arrive. Monet's Goldie Goldfish. Inspirational. Baby birdie, little baby birdie...... fly up high. I think that painting is a representation of the birdie flying over-head.
Spring has Sprung!!
Even on an overcast day like today, if you look carefully you can find color in your midst. These beauties are just outside the front door of Children's Hospital's Childcare Center. Thank you to the grounds crew for planning ahead for our springtime enjoyment.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Birchard Library Fans
After we were all wrapped up with the program and I was personalizing the purchases, THEN I remembered about my camera! So we do have some documentation of a few in attendance. Several had come straight from church and were in their absolute finest. It's great to greet everyone personally after a show. (My favorite part of the day.) Thanks to all who made plans to come to the library on such a gorgeous afternoon. The Birchard Library has now added ALL of my materials to their collection..... so get your library card, get ready, get set, and go, go get singing!!
***Special thanks to Marilyn Radel and the entire Birchard Library staff for their warm welcome, support and enthusiasm. I just love 'library-ladies.'
Brooke: Sign Interpreter
Meet Brooke. My sign language interpreter for the program at Birchard Public Library. Brooke is a student learning ASL and our program together was one of her first for the public. It was hard to tell who was more excited? Me? The children in attendance or Brooke? We had a chance to put our heads together for a few minutes before the audience arrival and talked thru the likely selections for the program. [I always have about three times more choices than we have time for. Then I wait to see the age and attention span of those in the audience and I go from there.]
At today's event the youngest participants were very mature four year olds and we ranged from there up to an eleven year old. So we were able to use lots of 'big-kid' songs. Several of the children were at the event yesterday, so they had 'favorites' of their own and made requests. I totally forgot to get my camera out to take shots during the event. Argggggh. First time I've done that in a while.
We were significantly outnumbered by the adults in attendance, as quite a few ASL students/teachers/librarians had come for the show. Some had driven quite a distance. What a great outreach to the community. I thought Brooke added much to the program. Whooooohooooooo!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Fan Club Poses: Smile!
10th Storybook Festival
Here we are..... all together at the 10th Annual Sandusky County Storybook Festival. An event to celebrate literacy, reading, children and families. Organized as a joint project between schools, libraries, and oodles of other entities across the county. There were stations of fun spread throughout Ross High School in Fremont. The first thousand children received a free book and a little book bag. What a delightful example of what can be accomplished with planning and cooperation.
As the offical author for the event, I was assigned the school's library space and we had a continual stream of children in and out. Singing. Dancing. Reading. Celebrating. Sharing. The pictures above capture just a bit of the enthusiasm expressed by those in attendance. We had plenty of parents in attendance, snapping pictures and enjoying their children in action. Myrtle, the Recycling Turtle, was just one of the numerous attractions to round out the day's fun.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Aliteration, Writing & Posing
The teachers found plenty of willing volunteers to help me on the 'stage.' That last picture in the series is the enthusiastic kindergarten class. We gave permission to make the funniest face possible. What do you think?
Vine Street Elementary
It's a happy reunion at Vine Street Elementary (Clyde, OH) with Principal Peggy..... everyone's favorite principal. The gym fills up with the students ready to "Celebrate" the conclusion of a week's worth of testing. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. My appearance was a school wide surprise. I was sworn to secrecy and not even the teachers had a clue. This was my third visit in the last five years and we had a rollicking good time in the gym. You wouldn't have believed the acoustics!! The teachers were easily brought into all the fun. Now you see why this is one of my favorite visits.
This will no doubt be my last Vine Street appearance as the building will be torn down at the end of next year. Principal Peggy and pals will be moving to an all new building!!
Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!