Thursday, September 25, 2008
ARUBA and Picasa 3 Fun
Baby Birdies..... New Year!

Monday, September 22, 2008
1312: One Happy Island

So I decided that I'd like a red plate, each year had it's own color, as it would fit best with my office color scheme. Next I told Allen that I wanted to find a 'good' number. He responded with "what's a good number?" It was just then that I looked in my very first box of red plates and flipped right to number 1312!! My birth date in Arubian nomenclature. How amazing is that? Some folks would say, 'what a happy coincidence.' I just gotta think that it's an angelic, serendipitous wink from above, reminding me -- that all's right with the world. I'm always on the look out for just such winks of encouragement.... and am convinced that the more I look -- the more I find them.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
More Irons in the Fire

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Greater Columbus Arts

In some strange way, this gave LOTS of time for us (the artists) to put our heads together and get caught up on all the travels and opportunities that have flowed over the past year. Since many of us only see each other on this one occasion yearly, it was indeed a grand evening for camaraderie.
Pictured above are Tony who does African drumming and videography and had the table beside mine, and my mentor Mimi Brodsky Chenfeld -- central angel for all arts in the mid-west and beyond....... and in the second picture is Brian of Hip Hop Academic fame (I've just added the link directly to his website.) Brian & I are in cahoots over putting on a morning workshop together. Right now he's focused on his new first grade classroom. Maybe we'll get it together for next summer?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ike Blows thru Ohio

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Farewell Flowers & Fun

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pebble Beach Cairns

Today's field trip took us on our farewell-motorcycle-ride to the very edge of town..... all the way out to Little Sister Road! [**Remember I have the 'original' now-antique, street sign by the same name in my studio.] Anyhow, it's a picture perfect, blue-sky, postcard-sorta day. We went to the public "pebble beach" and just had the most fun finding such incredibly happy rocks. Perfect circles. Triangles. Flat spheres. Golf ball rocks. Allen made a perfect exclamation mark from two 'perfect' rocks. We left our statue cairns for others to appreciate. I could have stayed and played all day. We have just over one day left for our northern playground hiatus. Yikes.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunsets are Earlier Now

Mountains: Fabric Collage

Monday, September 8, 2008
Keeping it Simple
Rear View Mirror Snap
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Flying Pigs Gallery, Algoma

Saturday, September 6, 2008
More Gratitude, Years Later

But after having spent the evening together with this jokester and her dear husband, Bruce...... Allen & I marvelled all the way down the hill to home about the story of their supporting each other to take a risk on the idea of a shop.... about her leaving her job at the garbage collectors to pursue her dream. She was the first to admit that it was Bruce who created the permission to follow her dream and that Bruce was the mastermind in keeping it "up off the ground" from his position as official 'groundskeeper' of the shopping center. What a team. Now why didn't I think to get a pic of Bruce with Linda? [I'm so new to this blog process...... I guess I'll just have to make another trip to their quilt shop -- to capture them in their local habitat.] Thank you Linda, you hold a special place in my heart. Thank you Bruce. Now I know the rest of the story.
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Few of my Favorite Things
Speaking of photo collages...... look what we have here!! This is a framed genealogical study hanging here in our hallway. Starting in the near middle -- the fourth picture from the left: you find a black and white picture of ME, moi -- at about the age of four (give or take.) Then to my left is my mom at about the same age, and then to her left is her mom and to the left again is her mom, my GREAT grandmother!! Now start again. First picture (reading left to right) is my great-grandmother whom you've now met, then my grandmother, then my mother, then MOI and continuing on is my first born daughter, followed by my second born daughter, followed by MY sister (my mom's second daughter) and last but not least is my niece (my sister's daughter.) Got it? There will be a quiz, but it will be open-book.
Each night as I head to bed, I pass this incredible Christmas present from some years back and I am reminded anew from whence I come. Imagine the stories that could be shared around a campfire between all of these young giggling girls, filled with potential and awaiting opportunity. What choices will be made? What paths chosen? Which possibilities pursued? Hmmmmm. I now have a grand-daughter myself and my mom is now a GREAT grandmother! I wonder if I'll get this re-framed some day to add this next generation of girl power? Time marches on.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My First Picture Collage!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
White Caps for Fall
Birch Trees Galore

I'm attempting a technological experiment. I have just downloaded "Picasa 3" in an effort to be more streamlined in working with my photos. I took this snap this morning on my daily walk: trudge up Hill Road, on the north side (aerobic workout extraordinare.) I just adore the descriptive names of the roads on this peninsula: Hill Road (noted for it's EXTREME grade,) Water's Edge, Lighthouse Point, Birchwood Park, Post Office Lane, Waterview Crest, Lakewood Drive..... I think that you get the idea. Call it like you see it. Simplicity. There's something to be said for simplicity.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sunset thru Clouds

Monday, September 1, 2008
Edgewood Sculpture Garden

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!