Have I mentioned that I'm in Hawaii?
Have I mentioned that I am taking a gen-u-ine vacation?
Have I mentioned that it is quite a distance between WI + HI?
I found some awesome photos in my camera memory cards...........
during the flight between here and there.
There's a little theme here.
We will return to the mainland all together too soon.
Very hard to leave paradise.
The trip of a lifetime!
Take a peek around our Island of Kauai.
Yes. This is the backdrop for Jurassic Park.
And Pirates of the Caribbean.
And South Pacific.
And King Kong.
And Blue Hawaii.
And Raiders of the Lost Ark.
And Fantasy Island.
You get the idea!
Pretty amazing place!!!!!
(Here's a few pictures for those of you that somehow have not seen them on FB or IG.)

If you think it looks like we had an amazing time, that I was deliriously happy and that I'm willing to go on another adventure -- you're right!
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