Welcome! or WELCOME BACK!!
September hovers on the horizon.
That means school.
That means fine motor.
To me? That means FINE ARTS.
This is part 27. It's a 'quickie.'
Looking for the first 26 'biggies'?
They're cataloged as Fine Motor Friday.
This is part 27. It's a 'quickie.'
Looking for the first 26 'biggies'?
They're cataloged as Fine Motor Friday.
Fine motor. Fine Arts.
Fine Arts. Fine motor.
Potato. Po-ta-toe.
How do we use one for the other?
Fine Arts. Fine motor.
Potato. Po-ta-toe.
How do we use one for the other?
How do they relate to each other?
How do we develop each?
I wonder at a marvel of this sort!
I never tire of seeing children's artwork.
Take a good look at this bold creature.
Look at the imagination.
Look at the colors.
Look at the workmanship.
Look at the effort!
To create a masterpiece of this level we have to begin earlier.
We must be certain to give children access to materials.
We must be certain to support their exploration.
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Painted Preschool Self-Portrait, "Happy Face" |
But let's go back even earlier.
Before the paint brush can be wielded to create the smile.
We have to go back to the exploration and manipulation of the media itself.
Here we have bubble wrap in the classic early print-making experience that goes: Apply paint. Print. Simple as that. See the polka dot pattern emerge. Cause and effect. Transference. Impact. Exploration. Color theory in earnest, up close-and-personal.
What I LUV LUV LUV about this particular piece of bubble wrap? It has been matted as a piece of artwork, itself to be examined and valued. Oh yeah!
Yes. We need to surround children with interesting materials. From the very beginning and at each and every stage of their development.
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Parquetry Blocks Used for Exploration in Art + Math |
Here's to an awesome new school year filled with oodles of opportunities to explore and create, strengthening the fine motor muscles needed to support all manner of ARTS experiences.
***A quick head's up. Tomorrow I will continue my Saturday morning series of Pinteresting-People Directories. Tomorrow's will link up all sorts of ARTS types. My dream would be have TONS of Art teachers, Teaching Artists and the whole gaumet of creative pinners, listed in one spot. Be sure to come back tomorrow to get linked into the directory.
***A quick head's up. Tomorrow I will continue my Saturday morning series of Pinteresting-People Directories. Tomorrow's will link up all sorts of ARTS types. My dream would be have TONS of Art teachers, Teaching Artists and the whole gaumet of creative pinners, listed in one spot. Be sure to come back tomorrow to get linked into the directory.

I now have 47,781 Visual Pinterest followers.
Come join my peeps!
-- Debbie --
Did you see my article yesterday?
Talk about making your mark on the world.

If you arrived via Pinterest, here's the link to my RoundUP with nearly 30
different handprint projects.
Or maybe you missed my recent RoundUP with skads
of manners to create 'self-portraits' for an
Click here.