LINKIE PARTY!! LINKIE PARTY!!! You know how I am learning the value of the linkie party?? Much of my increased traffic and newer 'visibility' is coming as a result of my grasping the value & the 'how-to' of the linkie party. Tonight I give my gratitude to Abby over at The Inspired Apple, who is hosting a 'back-to-school' link-up where teachers are sharing "what's in their bag" and in the process sharing plenty of teacher tips and theory in the process of introducing themselves....not to mention a whole fashion show about teacher bags and the organizational tips that are unique to each bag! Welcome, if this is your first visit!!
Thanks Abby for the new friends. I'm a music-lady, author/illustrator, keynote speaker.
Thanks Abby for the new friends. I'm a music-lady, author/illustrator, keynote speaker.
I happened upon the party just as we are genuinely unloading our car from our latest cross-country vagabond, which included the proverbial 1000 mile round-trip, road trip PLUS a flight back & forth in the midst of all that driving to go across the country and back. So here's how I travel and a peek at my 'bag'. It's ironic that this would be the subject of the hop, because the big over-sized polka-dot bag is one that I 'confiscated' a year ago from our dear daughter-in-law out in Denver, where we just were last week to meet grand-child #7. The bag was hanging on the hook by their back door and I was given permission to claim it as my Christmas present. THANK YOU MEGAN!!!!
Once you take my 'tulip' purse off the top of the bag, you can see the ingrediants inside -- the bare necessities for a successful author/illustrator visit: my laptop, an LCD projector and 4 copies of each of my three picture books. Feel free to go back to this earlier post to see my sewing of the purse itself. These are the fabrics that I used to create my purse.

BTW: I make the illustrations for my books from fabric, as small quilts. My professional ensembles and travel appearance are to 'co-ordinate' with the quilted illustrations from my first book -- which includes an abundance of polka-dots, as you may have guessed!!! I LUV patterns and colors and shapes and black-n-white, and graphics and design and FABRIC!!!! AND POLKA-DOTS!!!!
BTW: I make the illustrations for my books from fabric, as small quilts. My professional ensembles and travel appearance are to 'co-ordinate' with the quilted illustrations from my first book -- which includes an abundance of polka-dots, as you may have guessed!!! I LUV patterns and colors and shapes and black-n-white, and graphics and design and FABRIC!!!! AND POLKA-DOTS!!!!
I see that I have my brochures stashed inside the laptop case.
With my laptop AND the LCD projector, I can carry in one dozen books -- 4 of each title!!!
My newest: "Red, White and Blue" winner of the national INDIE Award of Excellence
My second book, created with my sister Rebecca: "Tall Giraffe" with photos taken by my niece, Kelly
And my very first picture book, the instant classic: "You're Wonderful"
Yup, you heard me correctly!!!! My dream came true!!!!!
I won a national award this summer!!!!!!
My polka-dot bag which is intended for a laptop holds yet more flyers and my polka-dot business card case.
Voila!!!! All you need to schedule an author/illustrator visit to your school: my email & phone number.
I'm VERY VERY VERY eager to schedule school visits in FL for the months of Jan. & Feb.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my work with a wider world.
Heads up: I am hosting my second linkie-party, here at my rainbow beginning tomorrow. The topic is all things "Monster-like" in order to help everyone get excited about October. Creepy costumes, monsters, scary stuff, frightening read-a-louds, Wild Things -- they're all welcome!!
Heads up: I am hosting my second linkie-party, here at my rainbow beginning tomorrow. The topic is all things "Monster-like" in order to help everyone get excited about October. Creepy costumes, monsters, scary stuff, frightening read-a-louds, Wild Things -- they're all welcome!!
We're coming to the end of September and that means my current promo code to save 20% off the list price of my picture book, "Red, White and Blue" is just about set to expire. Order the book in the month of September from my website and use the PromoCode: RWB911 to receive your savings. Order now and you'll have the book in time to prepare your class for Veteran's Day.
How FUN and colorful! Love it! I am late to Abby's linky party, here is my bag