Yesterday was an interesting convergence of events. It was officially our 15
th wedding anniversary, which is certainly something to celebrate -- only I'm in Ohio and Allen's in Florida. It was pouring down rain, which we really need, but does literally dampen one's spirits AND I had my appointment with my oncologist. Typically I go zipping and skipping about my day, being little Miss Merry Sunshine--Happy Pants and then periodically I am 'forced' to remember that this is an imperfect garden where I'm skipping.
It's been two years since my whole odyssey began and I've learned a lot in that time. I've also grown close to an entire slew of women and we've 'lost' way too many in the brief time that I've been on this channel. Just recently we abruptly lost our
AlaskaDebC and what an immense loss has reverberated from her departure; she left an enormous hole in our BCO community. She and I really 'clicked' on so many levels. Initially
cuz of that whole '
DebC' coincidence. Then I came to appreciate her hilarious sense of humor, her insightful writing and her amazing level of faith. She leaves two young daughters -- way too early.
So my appointment JOLTS me back into the reality, that there really are no crystal balls with this disease. On one hand that means
carpe diem, indeed. Well let's not even think about any other hands.
Carpe onward, little hummingbird,
carpe on!
After spending the morning in the waiting room, putting my situation into a much better perspective (seeing others who are indeed gravely ill and undergoing treatment completely humbles me) I felt the need for a little retail therapy. Marshall's is literally right next to the oncologist parking lot.... and what should catch my eye, but the t-shirt above? I think for a t-shirt, the designer gets some major points for clarity, as does 'new balance' for an accurate & insightful message.
This message does indeed encompass my BC experience and I do indeed wear pink for all of these reasons -- the most
significant being the dramatic need for the CURE. We lost my cousin Connie way
tooooo soon to this beast and
AlaskaDebC and CTG and Zaro and Twink and and and and and and and it will be another 40,000 names added this year alone. Whatever possible contribution you might make -- walking, advocating, or praying: the time is now. The pink lettering is on a black shirt for a very sobbering reason. Way too many will be lost way too soon.
P.S. My onc gave me the thumb's up, 'so far so good' speech and doesn't want to see me for another six months. I'll wear my t-shirt with pride this spring.