Here's such a simple idea for young hands to respond to a classic -- as we look at all things Seuss.
GREEN circles. GREEN eggs. GREEN joy. GREEN paint!!! GREEN! GREEN! GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These were on display during my adventure and two day residency in NY recently.
They seem to be even more appropriate as we think about Dr. Seuss and his contributions.
I've been thinking a lot about kindness recently. I wrote about the Kindness Wreath in this article and am delighted that it has been read enough to have landed in the Top 10 Articles around here. It's exciting to think that kindness is an issue that commands attention.
The world is in need of more kindness. So I'm keeping my eyes wide open for suggestions and methods to add to my list. Just when my eyes are wide open I'm given the happiest surprise.
Last week I received this greeting card from the group of Kindergarten teachers in Daytona Beach where I had so much fun with their K-Kiddos during my Author/Illustrator visit. It really stopped me in my tracks. With the speed of life seeming to increase on a daily basis -- its really been a long time since I've received an "old school" thank-you card. I hadn't given any thought to 'missing' handwritten communications, but then out of the blue receiving one has made me feel especially warm and fuzzy ever since.
It really got me to thinking about the last time I put pen to paper to say thanks myself.
Then yesterday our neighbors returned our 'pack-n-play' that they'd borrowed for their visiting grand-babe. Along with the pack and play I was handed an enormous loaf of home baked bread -- still warm, straight out of the oven.
Long live kindness. I am so touched by these two acts of supreme generosity. Kindness takes planning and action. I've been inspired to keep these ripples of activity spreading. How do you express your appreciation?
-- Debbie --
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