Maturing children confront opportunities for bigger calamities with each passing era. So giving them the
The week that has passed fills me with appreciation for my own two daughters. I am so completely proud of each of them. What a week we have had.
Unsettling facts for certain. Challenges. On to the good news.
Here's the praise report!
1. Our Sarah, rather than hibernating, has immersed herself in her capabilities. She has made her month's goal with her "Younique" enterprise and has some cash in hand {she gets paid immediately upon each order!} from sharing her expertise on that platform. Her team of 'recruits' is nearing fifty! Team Rah-Rah will be a force to be reckoned with over the coming months. She is quite the motivational cheerleader. Thank you God!

2. Here's the REAL praise report! Sarah got out her paint brushes, paint and her heaven-sent talent and got to work! Hot off the press. Like yesterday!
We are still completely 'against' passing the hat. HOWEVER. Sarah is willing to part with her painting -- to a good home. She has entitled this first one "New Start." It is 30 by 40" and is acrylic on canvas. I think that $150 is a reasonable price for something of this size. Do you live in Columbus, OH with a need for a piece of original art work? Know someone that does? Let me know and I can connect the dots.
Guess what! She has already completed the companion piece to the first, in another color scheme! Getting these sold will help with the utility bills on their way. I'm so proud of her for dusting off her brushes and getting to work on creative projects that are completely under HER design.

This just in!!!
She has time on her hands tonight. She JUST finished another piece! This one is smaller and measures just 16 by 20" and could brighten up a little corner in your home! For a song or a gas bill!

3. Our brown-eyed daughter, Noelle played this week at John F Kennedy Center in Washington DC with the Apollo Orchestra. That's pretty awesome, right? But the seriously amazing part is that the concert was 'simul-cast' over the web and we got to watch it in real-time, while talking to my parents as they watched in Augusta! How cool is technology? Want to take a listen? #Blessed! If you can only listen to three minutes, go to the very conclusion and listen to THE most amazing rendition of "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." Spoiler alert: NOT like a camp sing-along.
Where did the two of these children get all of this capability?
4. The dear sweet blogger that bought the four wobble chairs has received them, fallen in LUV and has already ordered her first additional dozen wobbles! In addition to that order: One of my twitter friends has just ordered some wobbles for her school. The wobbles are winning!
Order yours from us, as distributors at
5. I received an email to end the week, from one of my longtime incredible OH supporters and she'd seen that I'm speaking at OAEYC in May. She has access to some grant funds and is eager to write up a grant for me to come visit her program!!! Every one of these 'new' invitations that fits with the calendar's availability feels like a gift from heaven. She had NO awareness of my prayers for 'new' work. She will need my product to give to her students as part of the grant. THANK YOU!
6. A random little gift card to Target arrived in the mail. That's an easy 're-gift.' It was a little 'thank you' and opening it brought such a smile. Every little bit of manna from heaven is appreciated.
7. Which reminds me, I got another $15 credit to spend at Zulily this week!!! Thank you kind person for clicking through from me!
8. My sweet friend from a Lamaze class, a mere 31 years ago sent a hug in an envelope. People are so good.
9. I have been promoted to adding the music to our weekly Tutoring After-School Homework Club for church. I've wrangled another guitarist to help. I've never played with another guitarist. The kids were SO impressed. It was SOOOOO much fun! We've added three songs to the repertoire. "I've got the JOY!"
10. And what an amazing conclusion for my blessings shout out! I was digging around in my studio for something (which now escapes me) and I got distracted by our painted bunting visiting on the bird feeder. As I paused to marvel, I put my hands on my ironing board, right below the window. Sitting there, right in the midst of a pile of calico, was this bookmark. I have absolutely NO idea how it got there. I have no particular memory of ever seeing it previously.
When I get discouraged or filled with sorrow or fear I will read and reread this verse. I can't honestly say that I think there are angels playing in my studio. It must have fallen out of a pile somehow? What an amazing "God-wink!"
This story is known in heaven. Knowing that you are caring about it, praying for us, sending encouragement, makes every development a reminder that we are in our Creator's hands. I am eternally grateful.
Order yours from us, as distributors at
5. I received an email to end the week, from one of my longtime incredible OH supporters and she'd seen that I'm speaking at OAEYC in May. She has access to some grant funds and is eager to write up a grant for me to come visit her program!!! Every one of these 'new' invitations that fits with the calendar's availability feels like a gift from heaven. She had NO awareness of my prayers for 'new' work. She will need my product to give to her students as part of the grant. THANK YOU!
6. A random little gift card to Target arrived in the mail. That's an easy 're-gift.' It was a little 'thank you' and opening it brought such a smile. Every little bit of manna from heaven is appreciated.
7. Which reminds me, I got another $15 credit to spend at Zulily this week!!! Thank you kind person for clicking through from me!
8. My sweet friend from a Lamaze class, a mere 31 years ago sent a hug in an envelope. People are so good.
9. I have been promoted to adding the music to our weekly Tutoring After-School Homework Club for church. I've wrangled another guitarist to help. I've never played with another guitarist. The kids were SO impressed. It was SOOOOO much fun! We've added three songs to the repertoire. "I've got the JOY!"
When I get discouraged or filled with sorrow or fear I will read and reread this verse. I can't honestly say that I think there are angels playing in my studio. It must have fallen out of a pile somehow? What an amazing "God-wink!"
This story is known in heaven. Knowing that you are caring about it, praying for us, sending encouragement, makes every development a reminder that we are in our Creator's hands. I am eternally grateful.