Tuesday, December 15, 2015

#TeacherFriends Twitter Chat: Interdisciplinary Winter Creativity


Time to join an incredible group of like-minded educational super stars and chat on all things related to "Winter Themes, Winter Creativity, Winter Interdisciplinary Teaching!" 

Come get inspired by the brilliant Shaunna Evans! 

Shaunna takes our spotlight as #GuestEduCelebrity and shares from her many perspectives as classroom teacher, mother of daughters and blogger extra-ordinaire. 

Shaunna blogs at Fantastic Fun and Learning
Her blog is overflowing with creativity and open-ended insight into learning. 
How do I not have a picture of the two of us together? 
We spent a weekend in the same hotel room in Tampa!!! 
When I say this woman is a dynamo, I know what I'm talking about: up close and personal!! 

Here are the questions for our chat. 
Plan ahead. 

You are welcome to schedule your answers! 
Just remember to schedule your response in the minute following the question. 
Be sure you take into account the time zone conundrum. 
We gather at 9PM in the EST time zone! 

Tonight we have a new sponsor! 
Educational Insights will be giving a $100 gift certificate to one lucky participant!! 

If I got to be the winner I think I'd want to apply a portion of the gift certificate to the Pete the Cat Hot Dots!  There are variations for Kindergarten and Preschool! 

Take a look at our calendar over the coming several weeks and set an alarm so that you remember to join us! 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

#TeacherFriends: The Power of Twitter! PRIZES!! ESGI Sponsored Twitter Chat

Time for a Twitter Teacher Celebration! 

With all of the hundred-thousand things that vie for your attention, 
particularly in December............ 
why-oh-why would you want to spend time on Twitter?

Join us tonight at 9PM EST to find out the answer! 
We are going to share some of the many things that we've learned as a regular chatting community. 

Tonight we will be led by a classroom teacher, 
as Terry Stoufer takes the spotlight as our #GuestEduCelebrity!  

We will spend an hour sharing how our teaching, our lives have improved 
as a result of our participation on Twitter. 

Think of a lifeline support system. 
One that stretches around the globe 
and is available 24/7!

Here is the outline for tonight's hour long chat. 
Think of it as an open-house. 
Come when you can. 
Stay as long as you're interested. 
Use the hashtag to your advantage all week long.   

Look at the schedule of guests that we have planned for the next several weeks. 
Every Tuesday there is a topic of interest! 

The more you participate, the more support you receive! 

As an extra added BONUS support, 
every week we have PRIZES. 
Think of it as extra incentive to participate! 

This week our chat is sponsored by our friends over at ESGI.
Have you heard your blogging peers rave about ESGI?  

One lucky participant will receive a year's license of the software, 
which has a value of $200! 

Clearly, we are grateful to ESGI for their support! 
The assessment portion of Kindergarten is a necessity. 
Use this program designed by a kindergarten teacher and regain your sanity. 

Just in case you aren't selected to win tonight, 
you can still get a great savings by using my affiliate code: B1215. 
You save $40 and I am also rewarded financially in the process. 

Tonight I will be sending the digital copy of my classic, 
"You're Wonderful" 
to one lucky participant in the chat. 

Listen in on a performance! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#TeacherFriends World of Wonder Twitter Chat with Wonderopolis

TUESDAYS with your #TeacherFriends on Twitter! 

We gather weekly to visit, to learn, to inspire and to encourage. 
This week is one of my favorite topics: 


What a perfect #GuestEduCelebrity to share: 
We have THE Wonderopolis 
and they have wonder-swag to give for a lucky participant.

To make your chatting experience even easier, 
we now have the questions outlined ahead of time. 
Think of it as an open-book chat. 

Plan your answers! 
Share some photos from your classroom! 
Track down a blog article to inspire other participants. 

You are welcome to schedule your answers ahead of time. 
Just schedule in the minute(s) after the question will be shared. 

Be sure that you factor in the time zone conundrum. 
We tweet in the 9 to 10 PM hour, in Eastern Standard Time. 

Every week, as extra incentive for Twitter newbies, 
we have prizes to give away. 

A chat on the topic of WONDER, 
deserves some "You're Wonderful" from me!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

#TeacherFriends Twitter Chat: Gratitude + the ARTS with Debbie Clement

TUESDAY: TWITTER chat among your

Every Tuesday for nearly 18 months now, 
we have gathered on Tuesday evenings to chat with our peers and build up a supportive 

As founder of this amazing gathering, 
this is my second occasion to take the spotlight as guest-in-the-spotlight. 

Tonight we will chat on all things GRATITUDE and the ARTS. 
I have just returned home to FL from an amazing week at NAEYC. 
Beyond exhausted, I've finally gotten our questions readied. 
Come join us. 
You're welcome to schedule your answers! 

We always give prizes as incentive for our #TeacherFriends to join this platform. 

This week one lucky winner will receive a Wobble Seat of their choice in sizes [10", 12" or 14".]

***There's a brand new 12" size that would be perfect for PREschool 
(and short kinder-kids.) 

I will also be giving away a set of my three picture books! 

One lucky winner will get the entire set! 
I will be happy to sign and personalize them, as you direct me. 

In order to be eligible to win the prizes, you need to get your name and contact email entered (ONE time) on our Google Doc that will be tweeted throughout the evening. 

The winners will be tweeted/announced just before 10 PM. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

#TeacherFriends Twitter Chat Multi-Sensory Teaching & Dyslexia

Tonight! Tuesday November 17th! 

We welcome Dr. Erica Warren to our Twitter spotlight! 
She will be our latest #GuestEduCelebrity 
focused on all things Multi-Sensory when it comes to teaching, 
but especially pertaining to Dyslexia. 

Dr. Erica has written hundreds of blog articles on the topic 
and she has infographics to share as well. 

This promises to be an especially enlightening chat
and will be super helpful for those attempting to understand and diagnosis 
the many variations of dyslexia. 

By all means bring a friend!

As always there will be prizes for participants in real time. 

Dr. Erica is giving away a gift certificate to her digital products. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

#TeacherFriends Chat on #DigCit Topic: Digital Citizenship w PRIZES!


I'm thinking that it is a good idea to get the word out sooner to our TWEEPS! 
Let you plan ahead, get excited, bring a friend!
Not to mention that this week I'm slightly ahead.  

This week we welcome Craig Badura to our spotlight! 
He is bringing the heat and his insight to all things: 


Here is the outline for the evening!

Yes. Having the questions ahead of time IS exactly like an open-book quiz! 
You can plan ahead. 
You can think through your tweets...... 

You can even schedule your answers. 

We have a 20" Wobble Seat to give away 
to one lucky participant. 

In order to be eligible to win our prizes...... 
just get your name and email contact info listed on our Google doc. 
You only need to enter once for all prizes being awarded at the conclusion of chat. 
Wobble winner needs to be in the US for shipping ease. Thanks. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

#TeacherFriends Twitter Chat on #GAFE Google Classrooms

Time to add to your Professional Learning Network. 
We gather weekly to support and inspire each other. 
Developing your use of Twitter gives you support 24/7 from your peers -- 
across the country and around the world! 

This week we welcome classroom teacher Sylvia Parker 
to our spotlight as #GuestEduCelebrity! 

She will be sharing her understanding and use of Google from a classroom/teacher/educational standpoint.
We're trying to make your life easier. 

Speaking of making your life easier...... 
Sylvia has lined up "Sit Spots" to be our official sponsor tonight! 

The possibility of winning a $50 gift certificate to Sit Spots 
is incentive enough to ferret out the inner workings of Twitter and Tweetdeck. 

One lucky participant will win this grand prize. 
We will begin tweeting a Google doc at 8:30 PM EST. 

In order to be eligible to win any of the prizes, 
you need to enter your information ONE time over the course of the chat. 
Winners will be announced during the concluding minutes of our hour long chat. 

To help our Twitter Newbies and Twitter Experts alike, 
I have an overview of the entire evening's chat outline. 

You are welcome to schedule your answers ahead of time. 
Just be certain to factor in the time-zone conversion factor. 
Also. It is helpful to schedule your answer in the minute(s) that FOLLOW the question. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Give AWAY: "The Hugging Trees" ALL Natural Personal Products

The BEST thing about having a blog and having some followers: the opportunity to introduce you to amazing people with amazing ideas and amazing passion. 

Today I'd like to introduce you to a young woman with vision and zeal! Plus one lucky winner is going to receive a little gift sampling of her all natural products -- just in time for the holidays!!! 

{Yes, I received my own sample pack of Kim's products, but my excitement comes from learning more of her efforts.}

Let me allow you to hear directly from Kim, the brains and heart behind "The Hugging Trees." She is the friend and neighbor of my daughter Sarah and I'm so happy to introduce you to her brilliance. 

I just LUV LUV LUV that today's woman is entrepreneurial and is making the difference in our world. With no further ado, let's get acquainted with Kim's hard work!  

"It all started last year when I made the decision to improve the health of my family by reading ingredient labels on everything I purchased to decrease the amount of chemicals we were absorbing on a daily basis. Over time, I slowly began to weed out and replace items in the household with food and products that had pure and natural ingredients. Our bodies thanked us for the change by reflecting a radiant healthy face, skin, hair and nails. 

Cancer is on the rise and our bodies are not equipped to absorb so many concentrated chemicals that we have surrounded ourselves with. I set out on a mission to create and offer natural personal care and grooming products to everyone at an affordable price. Pure high quality plant-based products do not have to be over-priced. My vision is to provide a holistic approach offering safe and pure products that are free from harsh chemicals, preservatives and toxins. To be gentle on the earth by using 100% Recyclable packaging. Using local ingredients to help support local farmer friends and small businesses as much as possible. To provide handcrafted products made in small batches saving you time and to avoid the mess of making it yourself at home. 

The Hugging Trees believes in giving back and paying forward to others. We give 10% of every purchase to charity to provide children and families with fresh drinking water. Every $1= 1 year of clean water per person. Water is Hope. Water is Love. Water is Life. 

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. ~Pablo Picasso

This business is my passion and my dream for you to enjoy. I encourage you to start reading labels. Be conscientious of your health. Love your body and the earth. I welcome all feedback and suggestions and would absolutely love to hear from you!" 

The winner of the Rafflecopter selection will receive a prize sampling of some of Kim's favorite products. 

I can tell you that I have been given several of her products, 
but my enthusiasm comes from knowing what Kim's mission is all about. 

The lip balm is my absolute favorite! 

Back to Debbie.... Wouldn't you LUV to win some of these thoughtful products? 
Wouldn't you LUV to support a mommy with a powerful idea? 

Please pin an image from this article. 
Enter to win by posting a comment below! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

#TeacherFriends: Better Planning, Better Teaching

 Tuesday night: Twitter chat with your #TeacherFriends! 

Tonight's weekly Twitter Chat will focus on how planning affects teaching. 

Our #GuestEduCelebrity will share thoughts and insight on the planning process. 
Participants will share their insights on planning from their own perspective. 

Here are the questions for the night, 
we encourage your thoughtful planning 
and you are welcome to "schedule" our answers. 

As always. 
We have prizes to offer as incentive to join us. 

One fortunate participant will be winning 
a year's license for ESGI Software

Just in case you aren't the lucky winner, 
you are welcome to use my affiliate code to save $40 on your annual license. 
I will benefit at the same time {when you use my code: B1215.}

I will personally be giving away a digital download of my 
"Monster Spray." 

This would be a cute little addition to this week of fun Festivities. 
It is available in my TeachersPayTeachers store.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

#TeacherFriends: Optimism + Humor! With Dr. Debbie Silver on Twitter

#TeacherFriends time for our Tuesday Twitter Chat with your favorite PLN Tweeps! 

We are VERY excited to welcome 
Dr. Debbie Silver 
to our ongoing #TeacherFriends Twitter chat. 

She may be JUST the 'silver-bullet' you need as the reality of the new year has hit. 
More pressures and ever-changing expectations? 

Come share your thoughts and concerns with this Wonder-Woman. 

She has literally written the book for tough times in the teaching profession. 
She gets it. 
She's been there. 
She's hilarious. 
She has concrete suggestions. 

Two lucky participants in tonight's chat 
will be winning a copy of her book! 

That alone should be sufficient incentive to have you give Twitter-a-try. 

I know. I know. 
Twitter may not seem intuitive. 
That's the whole reason I came up with this little 'practice chat'..... 
to help you SEE the immediate support that is possible. 


To help get you 'started' here is the outline of the questions for tonight. 
I am the moderator and I will be asking these Q's of all who come to participate. 

You are welcome to schedule your answers in the minute(s) that follows the question. 
Think through the whole time zone issue. 

We chat at 9PM in the Eastern Time Zone. 
If you are in a different time zone, you need to factor that into your scheduling. 

I use Tweetdeck (WHICH IS FREE!!!!) 

We have quite an amazing line-up scheduled. 
Take a peek into the future. 

As incentive to participate, we give away some additional prizes from the moderators. 
This week I will email this digital file of Oct fun to three winners! 

Super fun song, that gets stuck in your head. 
Perfect group sing-a-long/read-a-long! 

Just in case you don't win, you can always purchase it at TeachersPayTeachers! 

Set your alarm! 
Tonight is going to be uplifting and encouraging! 
Bring a friend!!! 

Be sure to follow me, I'm @Kweezlequeen. 

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!
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