ALLITERATION! Tongue Twisters! Language Love!!!
Call it what you want. I'm a BIG fan of alliteration. That's the fun of song writing, you get to make it up as you go along! CHOOSE to Challenge Children! That's why I call my 100 original songs, "Debbie's Ditties." I was so excited to see these anchor charts and wall hangings, [not exactly bulletin boards, but kinda-sorta] during my last Author/Illustrator School Visit of the year in Indiana. Go Hoosiers!
I realize that this anchor chart photo of name nonsense for Awesome Alliteration has frumpy focus.
Apparently I only took the one snap, as I dashed dreamily about the big building.
Hopefully you get the idea and can forgive my fuzzy, frumpy focal fixation.

My favorite song featuring alliteration is "Jumpin' Jamboree."
It makes the best 'brain break' you can find anywhere!
If I do say so myself!!!
It features 30 seconds of JUMPING:
"Jumpin' Jiminy Jamboree
Jubilation Jubilee,
Jazzy Jesters Joyfully
Jubilation Jubilee."
followed by 30 seconds of FREEZING!
Freezing Frozen Fantastically,
Funsters Frigid Frageldy-Free.
Rinse and Repeat.
I never, ever get tired of this one!
It is the perfect 'break' in the midst of my author presentation.
I use it with preschoolers. I use it with mature third graders.
In total there is one full minute of jumping and one full minute of fun-freezing!
The verses just alternate back and forth and forth and back.
I have this Awesome Alliteration Anthem {couldn't resist}
in a digital file that includes two other active brain breaks.
The zipped file includes all three songs in Mp3 format.
It is available at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
I've just popped over to my store and put this file on sale.
If you are here in real time, you can get a deal!
I figured out how to GREATLY reduce the price!
Right now it is 40% off!
I wrote a rather lengthy and quasi-scholarly article on the importance of rhyme.
If you're into language play, you'll want to refer back to this gem.
I have a HUGE RoundUP on
Go over to this article for all of this greatness.
I'm going to go add the Awesome Alliteration Name Play!
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I'm very grateful!
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