Three FULL years in the making..........
YOU're invited to the celebration of all things TEACHER!
Tuesday, June 27th, 8:00 PM EST!
Set your alarm right now!

Less than a week ago, I was thrilled to write this blog article, announcing that we had over $8,000 in prizes! How did we make the big, huge, ginormous leap to over $15,000 worth of teacher goodness?
In very large part due to my friends at Zaner-Bloser!
They have given 6 teachers a prize package worth about $929 EACH!
That adds to our prize vault in a VERY significant manner! PRONTO!
Here's some quick fine print to help you navigate tonight!
The main thing is that for prize distribution, you MUST have your name and contact info in our Google Doc that we will tweet beginning just before 8:00 PM EST and then for the next 100 minutes or so!
That's how the winners will be selected.
From the Google Doc.
After all of tonight's hoopla and pazoola recedes we will return the Tuesday AFTER the Fourth of July and continue to bring amazing weekly opportunities for support, inspiration and learning.
Take a look at these amazing guests in our line-up!
BACK TO THE Palooza Specifics!
Speaking of amazing and generous and incredible.
One of our previous guests,
Chuck Poole,
has put together a teacher-bundle that EVERY participant can download tonight during the party!
Here are the prizes that have 'arrived' in the last week!
Thanks to each and every contributor!
Our second biggest single prize contributor is ESGI Software. They are giving their software to TEN lucky winners! We will chose five participants of our chat to be winners, and each of those winners will also choose a friend to also receive a license for the software.
Then we have our friends at WobbleWorld who are going to donate FOUR sets of Wobbles to lucky winners. If you don't win on Tuesday, you can always visit our website, since we accept your Purchase Orders.
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Click the picture to hop over to and get more info! |
For the second year in a row, our friends at Frog Street Press are giving one lucky winner a $1500 subscription to their eLibrary! Have you set your alarm yet?
You seriously don't want to miss out on Tuesday!
We're grateful for individual chat participants who rustle up a prize.
My sweet real-life teacher friend Jessica Meacham is responsible for our link to the good people at
One teacher is going to be VERY happy with this prize!
Now on to more and more and more prizes!!!
Check the graphic to make sure that you're following our contributors!
I have to interrupt this parade of prizes to give a special SHOUT OUT
to our bestie, Cindy Price!
She has worked feverishly to round up prizes from oodles of folks.
This event wouldn't be the same without her tenacious spirit of generosity.
Now back to these amazing prizes!
I think that is everyone!
It takes a village.
This would never take place without
Kristen, Maggie and Cindy.
Follow me on Twitter at @Kweezlequeen.