Tuesday, October 27, 2015

#TeacherFriends: Better Planning, Better Teaching

 Tuesday night: Twitter chat with your #TeacherFriends! 

Tonight's weekly Twitter Chat will focus on how planning affects teaching. 

Our #GuestEduCelebrity will share thoughts and insight on the planning process. 
Participants will share their insights on planning from their own perspective. 

Here are the questions for the night, 
we encourage your thoughtful planning 
and you are welcome to "schedule" our answers. 

As always. 
We have prizes to offer as incentive to join us. 

One fortunate participant will be winning 
a year's license for ESGI Software

Just in case you aren't the lucky winner, 
you are welcome to use my affiliate code to save $40 on your annual license. 
I will benefit at the same time {when you use my code: B1215.}

I will personally be giving away a digital download of my 
"Monster Spray." 

This would be a cute little addition to this week of fun Festivities. 
It is available in my TeachersPayTeachers store.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

#TeacherFriends: Optimism + Humor! With Dr. Debbie Silver on Twitter

#TeacherFriends time for our Tuesday Twitter Chat with your favorite PLN Tweeps! 

We are VERY excited to welcome 
Dr. Debbie Silver 
to our ongoing #TeacherFriends Twitter chat. 

She may be JUST the 'silver-bullet' you need as the reality of the new year has hit. 
More pressures and ever-changing expectations? 

Come share your thoughts and concerns with this Wonder-Woman. 

She has literally written the book for tough times in the teaching profession. 
She gets it. 
She's been there. 
She's hilarious. 
She has concrete suggestions. 

Two lucky participants in tonight's chat 
will be winning a copy of her book! 

That alone should be sufficient incentive to have you give Twitter-a-try. 

I know. I know. 
Twitter may not seem intuitive. 
That's the whole reason I came up with this little 'practice chat'..... 
to help you SEE the immediate support that is possible. 


To help get you 'started' here is the outline of the questions for tonight. 
I am the moderator and I will be asking these Q's of all who come to participate. 

You are welcome to schedule your answers in the minute(s) that follows the question. 
Think through the whole time zone issue. 

We chat at 9PM in the Eastern Time Zone. 
If you are in a different time zone, you need to factor that into your scheduling. 

I use Tweetdeck (WHICH IS FREE!!!!) 

We have quite an amazing line-up scheduled. 
Take a peek into the future. 

As incentive to participate, we give away some additional prizes from the moderators. 
This week I will email this digital file of Oct fun to three winners! 

Super fun song, that gets stuck in your head. 
Perfect group sing-a-long/read-a-long! 

Just in case you don't win, you can always purchase it at TeachersPayTeachers! 

Set your alarm! 
Tonight is going to be uplifting and encouraging! 
Bring a friend!!! 

Be sure to follow me, I'm @Kweezlequeen. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

#TeacherFriends Student Engagement w Connie Hamilton Ed.S #ThinkingMaps!


"Increasing Student Engagement!" 

Tonight we have the amazing Connie Hamilton, Ed.S in the spotlight! 
She will be our #GuestEduCelebrity. 

She has sooooo very much to teach us! 
The topic for our evening's chat will be all about Student Engagement. 

Here's an outline of the entire evening's questions. 

In addition to our chatting on Twitter, 
Connie will be leading our conversation 
via the use of "Thinking Maps." 

Since the two of us have been working behind the scenes, 
I am privy to the thinking maps that will be used.

What an incredible vehicle!

Take a look at what Question #1:

Each question is presented in another #ThinkingMap style. 

Hold onto your hats, boys and girls! 
Take a look at the outline for Question 5!

Twitter Newbies. 
Please don't be scared. 
I know this is a lot. 
You're new to Twitter! 

You may be new to Thinking Maps as well. 
This will go quickly. 
The pace is fast. 

I promise that you'll learn a lot, if you're willing to stick around. 

Some would even go so far to say that we are addictive. 

As always, as an incentive for our #TeacherFriends to join us, 

I will be giving away a digital copy of my 
"Red, White and Blue" 
which would be perfect for upcoming Veteran's Day. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

BOOK GIVEAWAY! Win: Dr. Jean's Reading Recipes By Carolyn K & Dr. J!

Two of my favorite people have collaborate on an amazing new resource! 
Here's your chance to *WIN* my preview copy! 

I'll mail it to one lucky winner. 

Dr. Jean and Carolyn Kisloski have put their heads together and 
created an incredible cook book 
of early literacy ideas. 

There are lots of reasons to LUV this book, 
but my favorite is the formatting and the incredibly rich layout. 


Friday, October 9, 2015

Wobble Wednesday: Latest Video Insight


Yes. There are many times when I want to stop-time. 
I filmed these on Wednesday. Honest.
I do realize that today is Friday........ 

I also like alliteration! 

Just before we left Ohio for my next five week road-trip, 
I got a chance to get our WonderEyelashes on film. 

This is what a 'short-for-his-age' seven year old, 
second grader looks like. 

Mr. Eyelashes is wobbling on the 14" size Wobble. 

Well #*@&^$& SNAP! 
I can see now that I have posted the article
that my 'pin-it' button falls right on top of the play button! 
What's a tech-challenged grannie to do? 
Chances are very good I'm not going to be able to figure that out. 

If you want to see a variety of students in school settings on their Wobbles, 
you'll want to watch this three minute version of happiness shot in numerous settings. 

There are kiddos on each of the three sizes: 
10, 14 and 20 inches. 

You'll want to visit our site at 
for all of the price information. 

If you order 16 Wobbles at a time, 
we can always get them shipped to you for free! 

If you order more than that? 
You'll need to reach out for a specific quote. 

We can get discounts in relation to how big your bulk order totals. 
My husband Allen coordinates all of that information.
You can email him directly: 


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

#TeacherFriends Twitter Chat: Sharing Tips, Tricks + Technology!

Tuesday. Time to Tweet with your #TeacherFriends! 
Welcome back to our ongoing weekly Twitter Chat. 

There's so much to learn. 
So much support available. 
Encouragement just a click away. 

This week we welcome the UBBER multi-tasking Mary of 

From a distance, it looks like the woman is the ultimate of full-time teachers, 
mother to two sweet daughters, 
and incredible teacherpreneur. 

Left-to-right: MOI, DeeDee Wills and Mary Amoson {Sharing Kindergarten}

That would be plenty. 

What doesn't necessarily show up in the pictures? 
What an amazing heart for others she has. 

She is a faith-filled dynamo of support and kindness. 

She is new to Twitter, but she is willing to learn....... 
in an effort to support her fellow #TeacherFriends.

Here is the outline for our chat tonight.  

Having the questions ahead of time, is like an open-book quiz. 

Take a minute to consider how YOU can contribute to the conversation. 
You're even welcome to "schedule" your tweets. 

[I use the free program TWEETDECK, which allows you to schedule to the minute.] 

Just be sure to schedule your answer in the minute(s) following the questions. 
You may also need to 'convert' for time-zone differences. 

We tweet at 9PM Eastern Standard time. 

***If you are new to Twitter, please consider joining us for 'Early Birds' 
where we can support you as you get your feet wet. 
Early Birds starts 30 minutes earlier, at 8:30 PM EST.

Tonight I am giving away a digital download of my patriotic classic, 
"Red, White and Blue." 

This zipped file is available at TeachersPayTeachers for immediate download

It would be perfect for Veteran's Day observations next month.
Take a look at this amazing rendition from South Carolina! 


One more shout-out and thanks to Mary and her support. 
She was one of the very first bloggers to invest in our distribution of 

Not only did she invest in them for her students, 
but she blogged about them as well! 

Due to her time and energy supporting this amazing alternative seating, 
our sales have increased substantially! 

Those of you that are aware of our current family "train-wreck" story 
know that this additional income has been a HUGE help. 

I will forever be grateful to Mary for her kindness. 

See you tonight! 

Do be sure to follow me! 
As moderator of the evening's fun, it is easier to get into the flow
when you are following me. 

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!
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