Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pinterest Directory: Art Teachers + Artists

photo of: Pinterest Directory for Artists, Art Teachers, Teaching Artists + Creative types LINKUP (via RainbowsWithinReach)
Welcome to my little corner under the rainbow. 
I'm a HUGE believer in the power-of-the-pin.

I now have 47,939 followers of 111 boards.
Finding folks with similar interests is the beauty of pinning. 
Follow Me on Pinterest

In an earlier century I was an Elementary School Art teacher. 
I taught Art in a K-6th grade elementary school setting. 
Today is to bring together all of the Art teacher types! 

This is week #5 of the Great Pinterest Link-Ups

Week #1: The original Edu-Pinners [PreK-12th]
Week #2: Early Childhood Educators
Week #3: Kindergarten Kinder-pinners
Week #4: Primary Grades Pinning People
Week #6: Library People, Author, Book Luv'ers
Week #7: Resources for "Special Needs" 
Week #8: Upper Elementary Perspective

Find Pinteresting People to follow. 

Honest. This is easy to do. 
  • Go to Pinterest. 
  • Go to the 'wall' that houses your Pinterest pin-boards collections. 
  • Look up-top in the bar with your pinterest identity. 
  • Copy that Pin-URL. 
  • Go down to the bottom of the link-up below. 
  • At the bottom of the list, click on the blue words that say: "Click here to enter".
  • Designate your Pinterest collection with a descriptive title. 
  • Then paste your Pinterest URL in the URL line. 

No blog addresses. Just Pinterest accounts, please. 
I will remove any accidental blog addresses. If you're really confused you can leave your Pinterest account in the comment section and I'll add you myself. 

Come back in the future to follow later additions to the directory. 
Next week will be Library + Book Pinners. Saturday morning. 

Here's a peek inside my first picture book, "You're Wonderful." I made the illustrations from fabric as small contemporary quilts that we scanned for printing. I travel the countryside making school visits sharing the quilts and my songs. I'm ALWAYS looking for Art teachers willing to incorporate my work into the curriculum! 
So glad that you found me!
photo of: Quilted Illustrations from "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement 
After you get yourself added, please be helpful and pin the image at the top, to ensure that others will find us. If you are a blogger, you're welcome to grab the html in the footer and circulate the entire list from your blog! The more the merrier. Thanks for your help. 

"Art-Pinner Directory" has been 'reopened' and is ready for new additions!

***Note from the future! I just 'learned' how to edit the original LINKY and have re-opened the directory for additions. Please pin and share with your fellow art teachers. 

-- Debbie -- 


  1. Replies
    1. Cheryl. I found you on Pinterest and added you to the directory. You are now #154 in the list! All is well.


  2. Can you update my link (#147) to my main profile page? I am splitting my middle school board into several different ones according to topic and media. Thanks!

    1. It was an easy edit, Rachel. Got ya up-dated! Now share the list with everyone you can think of!


  3. I can't get the link to work either!

    1. What link are you not getting to work? The link to add yourself? Just leave your Pinterest URL in a comment and I can add you myself.


  4. Hey sweet lady! I added my link twice! You have to have patience!LOL. Can you delete number 179, I added it as pinterestcom with no dot. So sorry!

    1. Got ya covered. Patience is my middle name! Thanks for joining the directory.


  5. Hi. Of course I goofed up. I added my URL in both boxes! Can you make my title "ARTventurous: Primary Art"? I'm #213.
    Thanks soooo much!

    1. Got it all 'fixed' -- very easy to do. Happy to be of help. So glad to have you listed in the directory. Feel free to share from your blog!


  6. i'm not understanding how to do it - so sorry! but i would love to join in. i run an arts program for adults who experience disabilities, and i've found so many great ideas on pinterest! i always do a little tweaking to make a project our own, and to make it something that people with a wide range of skills & abilities could do successfully. anyway - would love to join this group and share ideas. my pinterest is:


    1. Welcome, Faith. I have been able to find and follow your boards and I will now get you added into the list. Your work sounds amazing!! ALASKA!


  7. Hi Debbie,
    Have tried to add my pinterest URL, but I get a message that it has already been added? Can you check it for me? Thanks-
    Donna Staten (artgirl90)

    1. Hey, Donna!!! I LUV LUV LUV your Pins, Pinboards and insight! I addded you myself. You're #8 on the hit parade!! Hope that you have some new followers as a result.


  8. I am another pinner who is unable to add my pinterest address! I am a middle school art educator who loves to see the student work from other teachers!
    Janette DeVois

    1. Janette! I was able to find you at Pinterest (with a simple name search) and I have entered you above. You are #354


  9. Wow! I am so glad I stumbled upon your 'little' gig here! Thanks for creating this forum and allowing us all to join in!

    Thanks again!!!!


    Okay, I thought I was computer somewhat literate, but I am so confused! I am a K-6 art teacher in a small rural community in Wisconsin. It is the best job EVER and Pinterest is the BEST resource for projects.

    Thank you!!
    Catie Haase

    1. Catie, the hosting site had some issues. I have entered you now. Happy hopping. Thanks for leaving your link!


  11. Replies
    1. Erica. I've added you to the party. Thanks for leaving your link.


  12. Hello, - UK secondary school teacher art teacher here, age 10 - 16. x

  13. what a great idea! thanks for all the time fillers!!!lol

  14. hello I had this list up with all the links to this post and then all the links wouldnt work so i reopened the page and now i cant find the list. I have been searhing your webpage. Could you please repost the link to the just the list of art educators. Thank you.

    1. The site hosting the links had some trouble, but it is now back for your enjoyment.

      Try again to link up..... of leave me your Pinterest URL and I'll add you myself.


  15. My link is not showing up.

  16. Dear Debbie,

    I have already added my name to your list (I am nr 419 - Marie Pie). I am currently writing my thesis about Pinterest for Art teachers. I hope you don't mind, but i want to copy your idea (which is great). I am going to create a linkup blog for all Art Teachters on Pinterest in The Netherlands. I will keep you updated!

    Thanks, Marieke

    1. I'm just finding your comment, all these months later! I hope that you've had much success in bringing your thesis together. I'm tickled that I could be a part of the p-inspiration!

  17. I have other boards that may be of interest to you! Thanks for all your hard work in bringing this together! Much appreciated!!!

    1. I just added your link to the directory. Thanks for sharing!


    Dear Debbie,

    I am confused. I hope to connect with other Artist Teachers who want to or are in the process of reconnecting to their own artistic side. I hope my blog is helpful for them and they can offer me comments about their own tips.
    Thank you for your help.


    1. Hi Steve. It looks like you are just getting started on Pinterest. I've added your link to the directory. Have fun following those already listed.

  19. Hi Debbie,

    I accidentally added by Blog rather than by Pinterest. #502-- still called A Common Thread.


  20. Hi. Very excited to find this art teacher blog. I am an elementary art teacher.

  21. Debbie! Can I be invited to the group pinterest art board? Donna said no :( Art Ed Central xoxoxo


I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!

Thanks for your support! I am so appreciative of your pins!
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