Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"The Lion Lady" + Delayed Gratification

Yes. I am the "Lion Lady!!" I am the one who wrote and recorded the original children's song entitled "Lion Prowl." It's on my second album and is a favorite for everyone who has ever heard of me -- and certainly for EVERYone who has ever come to one of my concerts or staff development events. 

Lion-lady you ask? I just told that VERY poignant story for the first time on my blog, earlier this year. You can click back here to read the touching journey of a family's perseverance with their son with profound special needs. You might bring a tissue. Spoiler alert: there is a happy ending!

It is because of that consignment shop brown tutu, around my face above, that my contribution in their documented 'Oprah medical miracle' gets to unfold.... for a dollar! Tune in on the miracles-in-your midst! Profound opportunities are at every intersection of your day. 
I've been telling you about my visits to the 'local' VPK program, right around the corner here in Florida. They are the ones with the 7000 books. [If you want to see the amazing way that they organize 7000 books, you need to click back to this article and trust me, I think you'll find their library-system inspirational.] 

Anyhow. Imagine our cackling laughter at reviewing my pictures from my visit the other day, to find the two captured at the beginning of this article. Some days its the little surprises and happy glimmers of unexpected mirth that delight me beyond all reason. 

Like cleaning out the box of stuff on Sunday to find a long packed away, day of their birth button -- on the fourth anniversary of the Twinzees arrival here in our midst. Like putting on my lion's mane tutu and performing under the watchful eye of the Lion King himself. Celebrate laughter where ever you find it + how ever you can create it

Here are some lion crafts your children -- from preschool through kindergarten could enjoy! I hope that these help to get you psyched for your next zoo field trip!!! 

                              -- Debbie --
*Has anyone besides me noticed that we're sneaking up on a BIG blogging milestone? As of this moment I'm poised at 997 FB Networked blog followers. I think its time for a P.A.R.T.Y!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. Wonderful lions and stories and uplifting thoughts! Wow on the Networked blog followers! Caroktn

    1. Carolyn!!! You're the best. I'm sneaking up on the next milestone!!!


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