Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Colors + Letters!! Guest post from Carrots are Orange

A special word of welcome today to our newest 'guest' author, Marnie of "Carrots are Orange" fame. I am so grateful to the blogging community for their support as I juggle responsibilities. Thanks Marnie for such a bright and colorful addition here under my rainbow! R is for Rainbow? RIGHT?!?!

-- Debbie --

We love rainbows! The moment when the sun begins to shine through the raindrops is such a magical one. So we enjoy rainbow related arts and crafts projects.

I hope you can relate to me. We have a slight Peter Rabbit Organics pouch addiction in our home. These pouches are actually good, healthy, extremely portable "snacks" for children. In any event we go through a lot of pouches every week and buy in bulk. We've been collecting these colorful caps for months and months. Sometimes I pull them out for bottle cap sorting or stacking. On this occasion we added an early literacy twist that turned out to be fun, colorful and quite the success.

I laid out a basket of caps, glue and an outline of the Letter R.

A bowl of glue was great for dipping the caps!

My 2.5 year old got the idea of placing the caps inside the R or on the outline.
Then he started to create his own design by placing the caps outside the outlined R.

The final result turned out to be a great sensory item for our one year old too.
Thanks for visiting...I hope we inspired you today!

Marnie writes Carrots Are Orange, a blog dedicated to developing little spirits. She focuses on Montessori inspired activities, teaching kids about money, traveling and parent related musings.

Editor's note (from Debbie) another GREAT post looking at 'materials readily available' and putting them to creative use.

Yesterday's guest-post also used 'found/available' materials -- to create a clever lamb. Click back for DIY.

Each of these articles expand upon my thoughts earlier for Earth Day observations found here.


  1. Cute and colorful. Here is what we chose to do with similar lids - shoebox tasks to screw/unscrew the lids http://yourtherapysource.com/videolids.html

    1. WOWZER! You forgot to mention it's a video suggestion!!

      People....... go take a look! You'll be glad that you did!


  2. We love those lids too and we had to find some ways to use them. I love this idea for making rainbow letters. We just shared a few more ways too. http://theeducatorsspinonit.blogspot.com/2012/04/8-activities-for-kids-with-lids.html

    1. KIM!!!! LUV LUV LUV LUV your post. Filled with terrific suggestions. Is this the point where I admit I've never 'seen' this lids? They are super-spiffy! Grateful for the additional advice for my readers. Now I need to link up to your linky!!



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