Monday, April 9, 2012

Egg Carton: Creative Link-up

HAPPY MONDAY!!! Welcome to my latest guest-author, kind enough to write a post to 'air' here that co-incides with the ongoing Tinkerlab-creative link-ups. A heart-felt thanks to Deirdre Smith of  "JDaniel4'sMom" fame..... and a brilliantly kind person in her own right. -- Debbie --

There are so many signs of spring.

  • Robins that appear in spring and remind us of the animals that return home in spring.
  • Eggs and bunnies that appear earlier and earlier in the spring that remind us that Easter is on its way.  
  • Baby chicks and lambs that appear in spring that remind us the spring is a time of new life.

Of the signs of spring listed above, the one about lambs is one of my favorites. Their fluffy white coats and high pitched baas are such a wonderful reminder of the fresh beginnings that start each spring. I decided it would be wonderful to create a lamb craft to welcome the spring.

Crafting with recycled material is something we do often at our house. We have a stash of egg cartons that has been growing larger and larger lately. For this lamb craft it was time to pull one of the egg cartons out of the stash.

The lamb craft also required the following supplies:

Egg carton (mentioned above)

White and black paint

Cotton balls

Two popsicle small popsicle sticks

Black construction paper

White felt


How did we construct it?

We started by cutting the egg carton in half.

Once the carton was cut we painted the inside of the egg carton white.

Then we stuffed cotton balls with glue on their backs in to the egg cups and around the outside edges of the carton.

A head was cut out of construction paper and white felt eyes with black paper pupils were added.

Finally popsicle sticks painted black were added to give the lamb legs.

This little lamb is now ready to frolic around the kitchen with my son holding the sticks like you would a stick puppet or hang on the fridge like 3-D sculpture. Either way he is a wonderful sign of spring.

Deirdre Smith
JDaniel 4's Mom

Editor Debbie note: this is such an awesome tie-in to previous articles here. Yesterday I was focused on Earth Day (click here to go back to that article.)
Using materials at hand for crafting helps keep us all 'green.'

Previously I have had art/craft articles on ideas for Spring crafts.... here are two:
Spring's the Thing: Part I (click here)
Children's Artwork for Spring: Part 2 (click here)



  1. I am so honored to be sharing here today!

    1. I am the one who is honored, Deirdre!!! Thanks for the kindness in your planning ahead on my behalf. This is such a clever idea. I just pinned it and I hope that brings you additional visibility!!


  2. I love this idea! So creative. Thanks for sharing. I am adding it to my pinterest spring board.

    1. Thanks so much for pinning the image!! That's how we share most easily to new friends..... and Deirdre's idea is so worthy of sharing!


  3. I love this idea it's a unique way to do a lamb I haven't seen one done this way before.

    1. Hear! Hear!!! Cerys..... thanks so much for stopping by. First time for me, too. I'm so grateful to Deirdre for sharing her clever idea here -- from my podium.


  4. That's so cute, Deirdre!! I'm a fan of both of your sites :)

    1. Thanks so much for poppin' over, Rachelle! You provide inspiration for the entire blogosphere!



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