Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pinterest Directory for UpperElem Pinners

photo of: The Great Upper Elementary Pinterest Link UP hosted by RainbowsWithinReach

You've found my little corner under the rainbow. Welcome!
I'm a HUGE believer in the power-of-the-pin!

I now have 60,120 followers. (New milestone!)
I have 19,178 pins on 96 boards -- all organized.
Finding peeps with similar interests is the beauty of pinning. 
Follow Me on Pinterest

Today I'm a children's music-lady. I've turned 3 of my songs into traditional picture books..... so now that makes me an author and illustrator, too. One of my very favorite things is to make school visits to share my work. 

photo of: Debbie Clement makes a school visit to Garden Elementary

People often ask what 'age' or grade of students is appropriate for my visit. 

Good question! I go where I get invited and adapt my presentations accordingly. While I spend the majority of my time with the early grades, I occasionally get to work with the mature crew. These are some photos from a spring visit in FL where I was able to work with every grade from K through their 5th graders! My 5th peeps came dressed accordingly: LUV IT!! Wear your own boa!!

This is week #8 of the Great Pinterest Link-Ups

Week #1: The original Edu-Pinners [PreK-12th]
Week #2: Early Childhood Educators
Week #3: Kindergarten Kinder-pinners
Week #4: Primary Grades Pinning People
Week #5: Art Teachers + Teaching Artists
Week #6: The Library-Book People
Week #7: Resources for Special Needs
Week #9: Montessori Pinners 

Find Pinteresting People to follow. 

Honest. This is easy to do. 
  • Go to Pinterest. 
  • Go to the 'wall' that houses your Pinterest pin-boards collections. 
  • Look up-top in the bar with your pinterest identity. 
  • Copy that Pin-URL. 
  • Go down to the bottom of the link-up below. 
  • At the bottom of the list, click on the blue words that say: "Click here to enter".
  • Designate your Pinterest collection with a descriptive title. 
  • Then paste your Pinterest URL in the URL line. 

No blog addresses. Just Pinterest accounts, please. 
I will remove any accidental blog addresses. If you're really confused you can leave your Pinterest account in the comment section and I'll add you myself. 

Come back in the future to follow later additions to the directory. 

photo of: Picture Books by Debbie Clement of RainbowsWithinReach

So glad that you found me!

After you get yourself added, please be helpful and pin the image at the top, to ensure that others will find us. If you are a blogger, you're welcome to grab the html in the footer and circulate the entire list from your blog! The more the merrier. Thanks for your help. 

-- Debbie -- 

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth -

Look immediately in the left side-bar for my Mp3 freebie entitled "Going to the Library" and please send your buddies to get their own copies. 
I would be so grateful if you would leave feedback/comment at TpT after you download. THANKS!


  1. Love these link ups Debbie! I've got lots of new boards to go and follow now!


    1. You are so welcome, Addie. Thanks for your kindness in expressing your appreciation!


  2. Excited to find so many great boards to follow! Thanks

    1. You're so welcome, Michelle. I look forward to these every week myself: LOL. It's so much fun to find such high quality folks with relevant pins!


  3. Thanks for all the new boards to follow. I LOVE pinterest, and get many wonderful ideas to use in my classroom.


  4. Thanks so much for putting this together! I love it so much I create a blog post about your upper elementary edu-directory.

    If you put together another one, I'd love to see a high school teacher edition!

    Mrs. Harris
    Mrs. Harris Teaches Science!


I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!