Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pinterest Directory for Library People

photo of: Pinterest Directory for Library People via RainbowsWithinReach

Welcome to my little corner under the rainbow. 
I'm a HUGE believer in the power-of-the-pin.

I now have 52,502 followers of 95 boards.
Finding folks with similar interests is the beauty of pinning. 
Follow Me on Pinterest
I'm a children's music-lady, that's turned 3 of my songs into traditional picture books..... so that makes me an author and illustrator. (I'm the publisher, too... so that's why I need all the help of all the librarians I can find.) 

Look immediately in the left side-bar for my Mp3 freebie entitled "Going to the Library" and please send your book-buddies to get their own copies. I would be so grateful if you would leave feedback/comment at TpT after you download. THANKS!

Today's theme is to bring together all of the Book-Lovin' types! 

This is week #6 of the Great Pinterest Link-Ups

Week #1: The original Edu-Pinners [PreK-12th]
Week #2: Early Childhood Educators
Week #3: Kindergarten Kinder-pinners
Week #4: Primary Grades Pinning People
Week #5: Art Teachers + Teaching Artists
Week #7: Resource People in "Special Needs" 
Week #8: Upper Elementary Perspective 

Find Pinteresting People to follow. 

Honest. This is easy to do. 
  • Go to Pinterest. 
  • Go to the 'wall' that houses your Pinterest pin-boards collections. 
  • Look up-top in the bar with your pinterest identity. 
  • Copy that Pin-URL. 
  • Go down to the bottom of the link-up below. 
  • At the bottom of the list, click on the blue words that say: "Click here to enter".
  • Designate your Pinterest collection with a descriptive title. 
  • Then paste your Pinterest URL in the URL line. 

No blog addresses. Just Pinterest accounts, please. 
I will remove any accidental blog addresses. If you're really confused you can leave your Pinterest account in the comment section and I'll add you myself. 

Come back in the future to follow later additions to the directory. 
Next week will be for Pinners from a Special Education perspective. Saturday!

Here's a peek inside my first picture book, "You're Wonderful." I made the illustrations from fabric as small contemporary quilts that we scanned for printing. I travel  about making library visits sharing the quilts and my songs. 
I'm ALWAYS looking for Library people willing to help share my books. 
So glad that you found me!
photo of: Quilted Illustrations from "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

Here's a peek inside my newest, national Indie Award of Excellence winner, "Red, White and Blue" which is based on a song I wrote immediately in the aftermath of 9-11. I am pleased to announce that it is now available for digital download at Teachers Pay Teachers. I'm brand new there and will gradually bring additional works to the digital download format. 

After you get yourself added, please be helpful and pin the image at the top, to ensure that others will find us. If you are a blogger, you're welcome to grab the html in the footer and circulate the entire list from your blog! The more the merrier. Thanks for your help. 

-- Debbie -- 


  1. I almost forgot to check your Pinterest linky today, Debbie. Great idea to have authors and library types. I guess I'm both since I had probably one of the biggest homeschool libraries in the country (the problem with being a book addict)! ;)

  2. I just pinned the Linky to my Literature-Based Activities Pinterest Board at

  3. What a lovely idea! I've just added the link to my literacy board instead of linking to all of my parenting boards. Thank you!

  4. I just received your book today and it is beautiful! I can't wait to share it with my class tomorrow.


I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!