Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Art for Children Continued

Learning! Blogging!! Growing!!! Sharing!!!!
I've come such a long way in the last seven months of my efforts to grow-my-blog. I have a 'fairy-blog-mother' that's taught me much. I have a lot to learn and I'm all ears. Today I'm happy to report I've passed her blogger challenge!!!

My goal here is to inspire creativity in your work with children, by sharing from my travels. I've stayed true to that goal + continue to focus on searching for great examples of children's creativity-in-action! LOOK WHAT I'VE FOUND!

The water colors-for-spring (above) are simply amazing! LUV the mixed media!

LUV these sculptures!! LUV Paper mache!!

LUV the opportunity for this child to create a PINK giraffe!! 

Last night I was going thru my old photo memory cards and found these treasures yet to be shared. All of the photos in today's post come from a spring Art extravaganza last year, marking a Preschool Anniversary celebration. I contributed a family concert of children's music to the hoopla. Look at what's possible!!! 

P.S. I've learned much about what readers are searching for in their blog hopping. My first years of blogging were too 'Debbie-centric' and I merely reported my happy travels and the people I got to hug.... more of a diary-of-sorts. Most of my articles featured a rousing chorus of: me-me-me-me-me.

While it's important [to me] to chronicle my professional travels into my blog, I attempt now to add these sort of touch points as a footnote to the content you're searching for above! Those gloriously inspiring photos of children's ART!!!

***I will tell you now, that if you arrive early to my keynote presentation with your entire staff -- in matching bright color t-shirts --and then sit in the first two rows..... I'm going to ask you to join me on stage to start "CELEBRATE!"

Charity Preston + Debbie Clement just before Charity's first radio interview!

Thanks, Charity, for the opportunity to grow! Thanks for helping all educational bloggers focus on the larger mission at hand and stay true to our audience and their needs! I'll wear your happy polka-dot badge with honor!
5-Star Blogger


Recent "Arts" articles of interest: 

Earth Day resources + blog hop.

Spring Children's Art round-up

Beach + Ocean bulletin boards


  1. Great post and blog! I'm proud to have earned my 5 star blogger badge too! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Blogging Blessings from The Teacher's Chatterbox,


    1. Whooohooooo!!! From one 5 Star to another -- Charity is the best. Thanks for popping through here! I look forward to getting over to your chatterbox!!


  2. I was thinking about you this morning and thought I would stop by to say hi! Hope you are doing well :-)!

    1. OH MANDY!!!!! I'm so happy to 'see' you!!!! Thanks for stopping over. Know how much I appreciate your kindness!! All is very well for me -- very well indeed!


  3. I would love to incorporate art into my daily instruction. These photos are inspiration+ !! Keep up the good work : )



    1. KATHIE!!! So happy to see you here. Thanks so much for popping over. I LUV seeing the work going on across the countryside and sharing it with a wider world. I hope that you start incorporating more and more art into your classroom.


  4. Great post - definitely a 5-Star Blogger! Thanks for linking up!

    The Organized Classroom Blog

    1. I'm so glad to have had the opportunity!!! Thanks for creating a wider readership for all of us! You're the best, Charity!!! The very best!


  5. I would love to have a Fairy-Blog Mother! I've wished for one, but none to be found! Love your 5-Star Blog!
    Owl Things First

    1. Jenny. It you look at the comment just above, its from Charity, my Fairy Blog Mother...... she can be yours, too!!!

      Charity is the creator of "Teaching Blog Traffic School" and we all learn from her instruction. Come join us. We now have an entire forum.


  6. Popping over to visit all my fellow 5-Star Blogs! I love the watercolors! You have a wonderful blog - 5 Star, indeed!!


I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!