Thursday, February 16, 2012


Reporting live from South Daytona, Florida.
LUV comin' to you in 'real' time!
This is where I was this morning! Photos downloaded on the same day! Whoohooo!!!

We just couldn't get the logistics to jive for my arrival on their 'exact' hundred-th day party, but my visit to my newest Florida friends coincided 'just' after all the hoopla for the big extravaganza -- in time for me to report live here, to anyone still awaiting their own celebration..... or anyone beginning to plan ahead for NEXT year: LOL. Here's my latest Author-Illustrator School visit and some of the fun that I observed!!
[We can always improve our lesson plans for the future!]

photo of: 100 Day Bulletin Board, 100 Day celebration
100th Day Bulletin Board of 'Homework' Baggies Filled with 100 Items

Just how brilliant is this?
Homework assignment:
Send home a sandwich baggy with every student.

Have said child return to school with baggie filled with 100 items!!!

This may not be the first time to ever use this idea............
but I would nominate this 100th Day Bulletin Board as one of the best displays,

photo of: Hundred Day Party Bulletin Board: 100 items from home

In the bags from home:
  • silly bands
  • cheetos
  • black eyed peas
  • crayons
  • marshmellows
  • cheerios
  • noodles
  • pennies
  • paper clips
  • goldfish crackers
  • balloons
  • macaroni

Think of all of the amazing discussions: 

Compare + Contrast!!! 

photo of: 100 Day Party: Comparing Volume in Kindergarten, Science experiment for kindergarten

The kindergarten 'building' was ALIVE with ideas to convey the 100 concept. You'll have to come back tomorrow for some of their other awesome ideas. I took a TON of pictures, well actually 100+++!!!

photo of: Kindergarten 100 Day Party

Well one more b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l-l-y conveyed cooperative. You know how I LUV cooperation!!!! This does look like something I'd seen earlier on Pinterest. The teachers at South Daytona told me that they've really been inspired by the 'pins' of others. This heart is soooooooo well done.

photo of: 100 Day Collaborative Bulletin Board
100th Day Party in February! 100 Handprints in a Super Heart Bulletin Board!

photo of: Handprint Collaborative Painting for 100th Day Party
Close-up of 100 Handprints for detail of Paint Application

Now please 'pin' these images to your hearts content -- I promised these 10 amazing kindergarten teachers that you would! Don't you just LUV seeing excellence in action? I know I do!!!

I know that you're proud of me for getting to my "author-school-visits" in plenty of time to document all of the amazing work I see from my travels. I've seriously got a TON of pictures to share with you -- or at least 100+++ -- so be sure to come back tomorrow!!!

photo of: Kindergarten students during Debbie Clement Author-Illustrator School Visit

****Have you noticed that I am c-r-e-e-p-i-n-g up on my 1000th FB Networked 'follower' count. That will be a party. I'll give you a freezer size bag and you put 1000 do-dahs inside to share: JK {just kidding!} I will have a party though, please help us get there!

YES!!!! I have written and recorded a dittie -- just for the 100th day party! It's an Elvis-style bit of nonsense that includes a lot of counting by 5's and a grand finale of counting by 10's! It's on my fifth recording, "Debbie's Ditties 5: Jump, Jam and Jive."

Therefore I have a Pinterest board for all things 100! Click right here for those ideas!

photo of: Collage of 100th Day Celebration Art, Math and Science Projects from Rainbows Within Reach: Author Illustrator visit with Debbie Clement

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth -

In the future, I will open a store at Teachers Pay Teachers -- where I will create instant digital download files with Mp3s of my songs. Follow my store so you'll know when I release new songs.

photo of: 100 Day Celebration RoundUP of Inspiration via RainbowsWithinReach
2013 RoundUP for all things 100 Day: Poster, Drum and More

Next year I have even more images to share with you in this RoundUP of all things 100 DAY! Click right here to see the awesome '100 Day Drum.' 

                                                              -- Debbie --

*Linked up over at Kindergarten Lifestyles.

Deborah Stewart is hosting another in her marvelous series "Every-day" this one is all things MATH!
You simply MUST go see her beautiful post -- FULL of ideas.
There will be dozens and dozens of links added as well!


  1. Love these 100th day ideas! The 100 things in a baggy can spark all kinds of topics for the kids to talk about and notice. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. Lori!! Thanks so much for stopping by and I especially appreciate your support, by leaving a comment. These are indeed such great ideas. LUV seeing excited teachers and what they've been 'up-to' with their students!

  3. We do the "collections of 100" in my K class and then I take out the balance scale and we weigh them. We have the kids write "100____ weighs more than 100____". It's a great activity and gives the kids a great hands-on activity. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Kathy!!! What a great way to extend the learning even FURTHER! Thanks so much for adding your experience to my visuals. I'm so thrilled whenever anyone adds to the conversation. I appreciate it so much!



I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!