Wednesday, August 15, 2012

RainbowsWithinReach Launches 17th Year!!

photo of: Rainbow Sky to Launch a New Year at RainbowsWithinReach

Let the new year begin!!! 
Oh happy day. 
My annual trip to Concordia University in Chicago. 
Workshop presentations. 
Old friends. New friends. 
Lots of hugs!

[Each year we stay at 'Miss Carole's' home and have Chicago-style DEEP dish birthday pizza.... 
this time it was ACTUALLY Allen's birthday dinner.] 

photo of: "Miss Carole" and Debbie Clement
"Miss Carole" of Sticky Bubble Gum + Macaroni Soup Fame

photo of: "Paint your day with rainbows!"

Before I could set-up my workshop space I was able to tour their brand new, state-of-the-art, Early Childhood building and gather some inspiration to share. The day was filled with rainbows in the sky and in the paint!

NOW. Look at this master-piece!

 photo of: Bulletin Board from Toddlers: "My God is So BIG!" Torn paintings create Mural
This amazing 'bulletin-board-banner' was outside the infant-toddler room. 
What an incredible piece!
Let the children paint to their open-ended heart's desire:
browns, blues, greens.  
Then have happy artistic teacher tear paintings into appropriate pieces to make a glorious assembled cooperative finished masterpiece! 
Remember the old camp song? 
"My God is So Big" 
The song lyrics were on the corner of the finished banner. 

Here are some more goodies from toddler town. 

photo of: Toddler Three Dimensional Painted Star

photo of: Infants and Toddlers Create Three Dimensional Over-sized Heart Painting

In each of these above examples the children have been 'left' to their own devices to explore the media, in this case paint. It is only after their exploration that the adults in their lives (teachers) have taken their innocent process-filled finger painted canvas and then turned their explorations into a finished product for ultimate display purposes.

This is a win-win.  
The children explore freely.
Their work is *TRANSFORMED* into a permanent display.

photo of: Toddler "Process" Open-Ended Art: Transformed into "Product"

Click back to this article to see how a 'similar' approach was used as a concept in Reggio Emilia ITALY with toddlers exploring paint and ultimately Italian teachers creating a mural. [YES!!! I got to have a day in Reggio to perform for the Italian children. To see all 18 of my articles about that ultimate field trip click here.]

Reggio Emilia Italy Toddler Painted "Open-Ended" Media Exploration Transformed into Display Product via RainbowsWithinReach

photo of: "The Whole Purpose of Education is to Turn Mirrors into Windows"  quotation in caligraphy

Now its time to get over to 'my' corner of the day. 
LUV LUV LUV these next photos!
 We were in the campus 'black-box' theater. 

Welcome to my morning workshop: 
"Fine Arts and Fine Motor."

*Hey! That's the title of my ongoing Friday blog series!
Click right here for 25 blog articles on this very same topic.  

These enthusiastic teachers are 'Sky-Writing' 
--which is the title track from: 
"Debbie's Ditties 6: The Handwriting Mix." 

photo of: Enthusiastic Teachers Sing Debbie Clement's "Sky Writing" Song for Fine Motor Development

photo of: Energetic Teachers participate in "Slant Dance" for Fine Motor Development

Look what I just learned how to do with Picassa. Just save the energy and enthusiasm of the presentation! 

photo of: Educator Excellence: Enthusiasm, Energy, Excitement with Debbie Clement

My afternoon workshop was entitled 
"Stemming the Tide of Childhood Obesity: Let's Get MOVING!" 

Alas, my camera's batteries were worn out. 
There are no afternoon participant photos.  
I'd taken several hundred photos of the children's artwork on display (which will be sprinkled in here over the days and weeks ahead.) 
So no 'moving' participants. AKKKK. 
And we had fun!
The song that made us all literally huff and puff with knowing smiles of how out-of-shape we are as adults is my dittie entitled, "Ride my Bike." 

photo of: "Ride my Bike" Bicycle Shadow on Pavement Photograph

So I leave you with my genuine bike's portrait
as painted by the sun. 

Let's get up and get mooooooving! 
Get this new year launched with a whole new attitude and commitment to healthy choices. 

-- Debbie -- 

photo of: "Debbie's Ditties 6: The Handwriting Mix"

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Use the promo-code "Great" to save 10% off your order

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