Monday, August 13, 2012

Freebies + A Lucky 13 Give-Away!

photo of: Library Painted Windows as Mural for Library Theme: Dream Big, READ!

Welcome to the world of BIG dreams. 
I'm all about BIG dreams. I morphed myself into an author and illustrator of children's picture books. A nationally award winning picture book author and illustrator at that. How did that happen? 

I'd be willing to bet you that a hefty percentage of people who work with children have the dream of creating a picture book. I did. I have BIG dreams. How did I make those dreams come true? That's where the rubber meets the road. Let me tell you where it all started. 

photo of: Library Painted Windows as Mural for Library Theme: Dream Big, READ!

My love of reading began by being read to. It was then fostered at a series of public libraries across the mid-west, initially in Indiana and then on to Ohio. (These are continuing photos of the Williams County Public Library in Bryan, Ohio. I started this two part series here yesterday, sharing some scenes from my tour across their fair city performing at two different schools, that culminated in a family performance for the community.) These photos are also all about dreams. That's what libraries are: a showplace of dreams. 

photo of: Painted Columns in Library as Fundraiser

These columns are in the children's department and were just recently unveiled to the public. I would have to check for the specific details, but the general overview is that each column was 'sold' for adornment in a fundraising effort to give the facility a face-lift. Wow. Wow. Wow. Big dreams indeed. 

photo of: Painted Columns in Children's Library as Fundraiser, Mural Paintings

My time this summer has been spent in pursuit of a 'new' dream. Each passing season I am more committed to becoming a 'resource' for an ever growing + expanding group of educators. We published three of my songs into traditional picture book format: RESOURCE. No kidding. Pinterest plays into that: RESOURCE.  We filmed my DVD, Kweezletown: RESOURCE. We continue to film YouTube videos (-- those are housed in a tab at the top): RESOURCE. I launched PreK+K Sharing, the collaborative blog. with 35 ongoing contributing international contributors: RESOURCE! BIG DREAMS!!!

People want my songs instantly. It's time. So now I want to spend time crafting support materials for my original children's songs, known as Debbie's Ditties in this new instantaneous format. So that's my new dream..... to create support materials to extend the life and value of my songs, to make the lives of my teaching peers easier. To contribute. To build a legacy more easily accessed. And now its time to enter the marketplace of Teacher's Pay Teachers. Let me tell you people. TpT is a big dream!!

photo of: Painted Columns in Children's Library as Fundraiser, Mural Paintings

I hadn't even heard of TpT until about this time a year ago. It's a truly brilliant concept. Let teachers create materials that they'd like in their own classroom. Then offer the infra-structure to house those materials digitally and allow peers from around the world to access those teacher-created materials. BIG DREAMS. 

For the past 12 months I've been 'listening in' behind the scenes on how these dreams come to fruition. I've been supported and encouraged to get with the program! There are some teachers making enough extra $$ for an extra latte, others who are financing wedding gowns, Disney vacations or college tuition. There are a few gifted and talented in the crowd making significantly more than their teaching salaries and growing their business every day. This is a bandwagon to jump on board. DREAM BIG!!!!

photo of: Life Cycle of Frog, Metamorphosis, Support Materials for Science in Kindergarten, Preschool Science. Mp3 Support Materials for "Pollywog" by Debbie ClementIt's taken me a full year to wrap my head around the concept and get my act together. I have my first digital download project uploaded into a zip file, pictured above -- all built around the Mp3 which is included included. I give you "Pollywog." Common Core friendly. Science! Fun. Metamorphosis.  I designed 5 quilt/fabric illustrations to bring the song to life. Rather than my publishing a whole book for you, I'll let you do the printing this time. DREAM! 

photo of: "Going to the Library" FREEBIE Mp3: Song by Debbie Clement

In order to launch a new store, the teacherpreneur (spell-check doesn't recognize that concept just yet) needs to offer a freebie. YUP. Just got that almost together. I've got the Mp3 uploaded into its zip existence at TpT over 24 hours ago, but still need to get a pdf of the lyrics together. That's coming. This is all unfolding in 'real' time, folks. Like today, time. DREAM BIG. Baby steps. Leaps and bounds. Keep moving. Progress. Dreams.

So come to TpT. You'll need a user ID. Come 'follow' me. Come download my freebie. Come leave me some happy feedback, so others will know its worth their time. I thank you! 

In an effort to be a 'better resource' I thought I'd share some other Top Teacher stores and their recommended Freebie of introduction. In no particular order here are some folks I'd like you to meet. 

Debbie Clement, Rainbows: Going to the Library" Song Mp3 Download
Transitional Kinder with Mrs O: Tropical Dot Cafe Headers with Strategy Cards
Smedley's Smorgasboard: Monstrously Good Behavior
Smedley's Smorgasboard: Monster Award Cards
Marsha Maguire, A Differentiated Kindergarten: Bee on the Look Out for Sight Words
Mrs. Hoffer's Spot: Beginning Sound Picture Sort {Cut and Paste}
Mrs. Hoffer's Spot: Jack-Be-Nimble Back to School Book
Lori Rosenberg, Teaching w Love + Laughter: Reading/Writing Task Cards
Sharing Kindergarten: Dr. Jean's ABC Chant Cards
Tessa Maguire, Tales from Outside the Classroom: Kite Fact Family
Tessa Maguire, Tales Outside Classroom: Monkey Madness Capitol + Lower Case
Superlative Science: Hoot Hoot Award
Mrs. Messenger: Yellow Polka Dot Word Wall
Margaret Hufstedler: Count to 10 Sight Words
Mrs. Messenger: Days of the Week Blue Dots
Jennifer Knopf, Herding Kats in K: FREE I have..... Who Has? Back to School
Jennifer Knopf, Herding Kats in K: FREE Songs to use in Lining Up
Crayons and Curls: R-E-A-D Banner/Bunting
Kindergarten Lifestyle: Super Star Words Simply Kinder, Jennifer Kadar: Kindergarten Data Book
Superlative Science: Superlative Science Signs and Labels

photo of: Lucky #13 "Pin-it-to-Win-it" with Rainbows Within Reach (Personalized Picture Book Give-Away)
Pin-it to WIN-it: Set of Personalized Picture Books
********OH and who knew that it would ALSO be the 13th when I started this long ramble? Last month I started a new tradition of giving away a set of all three of my picture books launching on the 13th of every month.  The only requirement to enter is that you pin something from my blog and leave me the Pin URL in your comment plus your email address (so that I can find you.) If for some reason you're not on Pinterest and want to follow my new TpT store that would work, too or instead of..... or live it up and Pin and Follow and have two entries!! We're making this up as we go along. I'm not going to comment on your comments cuz that was plain silliness last month and could have truly mucked up the random number generator stuff. I'll pick the winner a week from today. That would be the 20th! DREAM BIG!!

-- Debbie -- 
This month's contest has concluded. 
Come back on the #13 of Sept to try again. 


  1. Hi! I pinned this actually because I want to come back to your list of freebies. Thank you!! I am excited to hear your songs too :) Happy newness on TPT and all things growth just a little at a time!


    I love the handprint rainbow! I want to be sure I remember it! Thanks!

  3. Oh my, what a fabulous library, those murals are amazing!! Who wouldn't want to spend a few hours inside? You ROCK Debbie!! Thanks for the link-up. I will add it to my blog today!!

    :) Nancy
    Joy of Kindergarten

  4. I am now following your TPT store. You are such an inspiration!

  5. LOVE, LOVE the library murals!

    All Things Teachery

  6. i am following your store and have pinned it.

    Melissa kvaova @ yahoodotcom

  7. I love your blog!

    Diving Into Learning

  8. I cannot believe I hadn't followed before Debbie. I am sorry it took so long to get back here and comment. I pinned your organizational post and will most definitely be going back through old posts and reading more from you :) Here is the url to my pin:

    I became a follower of your TPT store. I hope you do well with your new store :) I also added the hop to a blog post for today. I hope I can get some more people headed over this way :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  9. I just pinned that adorable life cycle unit! Thanks for the inspiration Debbie!

  10. Pinned your song!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

    FernleySmith @
    Thanks, what fun!

  12. I will have to figure out the pin part. Mary Garvin


  14. following on TPT. Love your ideas.

  15. I pinned the contest :)

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

    1. Jennifer!!!! You are this month's winner! Yours is the 15th comment and that was the number selected by I'll contact you for your mailing address. Thanks for your continued support.


      Thanks to everyone who pinned an image from my blog, or 'followed' my store over at TpT. I appreciate everyone's encouragement.

  16. Pinned you Friend!!
    I took a bunch of pictures from all over my school today. I was having a "Debbie" moment. I love love love all your pictures you take from your school visits. As soon as I find my memory card reader I will share them!

    :) Nancy
    Joy of Kindergarten

  17. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this quote! I think ALL kids need to think along these lines! Dream Big! READ!
    Kaci Hoffer
    Mrs. Hoffer’s Spot


I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!