Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mobiles as Kinetic Art in Early Childhood

photo of: Mobiles as Kinetic Art and Displays in Early Childhood, Natural Elements as Mobiles

Welcome to a world that 'moves' with a breeze. These photos are little vignettes that I captured last week in Chicago at Concordia University. They reminded me so much of little glimpses that I saw last year while touring across Reggio Emilia in Italy. There are plenty of ideas here to get you thinking. Many of these pictures were taken in the infant/toddler room and the younger preschool class setting. They could obviously be adapted to suit any age.

Let's get started with this *brilliant* UPcycled mobile of art.  

photo of: UP-Cycled Materials as Art + Art Display Foundation in Early Childhood, Reggio Approach to Art

These little beauties were suspended by a tension rod, right at the ceiling, just inside the alcove of the front door of the classroom setting. LUV the painted lanterns. LUV LUV LUV the display and sense of welcome they create. 

photo of: Painted Lantern Art Projects for Young Children, Displayed as Mobiles (RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

This sheet of bubble wrap was no doubt used to create 'prints' of paint. I'm so delighted to see that the wrap itself is now on display! You can see that it hangs sweetly from a cardboard tube. Upcycle the upcycled materials!

photo of: Bubble Wrap Painting as Art, Displayed from the Ceiling as a Mobile (from RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

Here's a sweet wonder of mini-moments.
 Literally suspended in time. 
How about that friend-to-friend kiss? 

photo of: Toddler Photos as Mobile Display (RoundUP via RainbowsWIthinReach)

Are you making use of your ceiling space? 
How much adornment does your fire marshal allow? 

photo of: Mobile for Display of Toddler Art and Photos (RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

How about this 'all natural' mobile? Sticks as the support. Gathered goodies from a field trip exploration get suspended as a reminder of the experience.

photo of: Natural Materials -- Pinecones -- Displayed on Mobile (RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

I attempted to ZOOM in on this next one so that you could see just exactly how this piece with a larger branch was suspended from the ceiling tile support beams. Easy enough to do with yarn and bracket clips. I'll go dig up a picture from my Reggio field trip -- as I know I have a photo that echos this very branch idea.

photo of: Stick as a Framework for Creating a Mobile to Display Children's Art (RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

photo of: Silk Leaves Mixed with Beads to Create a Mobile in Early Childhood Space (RoundUP of Mobiles via RainbowsWIthinReach)

I had the star below in yesterday's report, but felt it's deserving of a second glimpse under this category. I LUV that the children have explored the paint media together and that exploration has been turned into a display of delight. 

photo of: Star as a Mobile, Hung from Ceiling (RoundUP of Mobiles via RainbowsWithinReach)

Tomorrow I will help you take a look at their 'box' and repurposed-UPcycled sculpture projects. AWESOME! 

-- Debbie -- 
Are  you entered to win? 
Every month on the 13th I open a new give-away of a set of my picture books. 
Winner chosen a week later!
Hurry. This month is still open as I type!  


  1. Wow. Good job! Very artistic!
    -Katie Jones

    1. Thanks for your support, Katie. I was wild about these ideas! Glad you can appreciate them as well. Wish I had a wider reading audience, because I think there's soooooo much inspiration in these photos.


  2. Oh, Debbie! I DO love you so! These ideas are fantastic and so creative. LOVE the photo mobile idea. Was cracking up about your question, "How much adornment does your fire marshal allow?" I used to move things around when I heard he was coming..heeee, heeee! (nothing unsafe, of course!)

    1. LOL: I used to be the one in charge of such things as the fire marshall's inspection, so I know its a gen-u-ine reality and some will allow more from the ceilings than others. Using the best of these ideas, tho, I think you could keep all of the inspectors happy and add to the room's appearance -- pleasing everyone!



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