Thursday, July 12, 2012

Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme


photo of: Nursery Rhyme Projects for Humpty Dumpty: Kindergarten + Preschool

Have I mentioned recently how much I appreciate my work? 
Have I told you how much fun I have getting to travel about the country? 
Do you realize how much I appreciate getting invited to different schools? 

Today: a look at Humpty Dumpty in all his Midwest finery. 
Let's start out in Kindergarten and work our way backwards. 

photo of: Anchor Chart for Humpty Dumpty (from Kindergarten)
Anchor Chart for Nursery Rhymes, Indiana Kindergarten Room

Kindergarten is the world where the hieroglyphics of 'print' begins to make sense and the world of gen-u-ine reading begins to unfurl in earnest for most children. Having a working knowledge and broad base of nursery rhymes is such an asset to a young child. All of that rhyme. All of that meter. All of that phonemic awareness. All of that simplicity. All of that implicit memorization that can be brought to encounters with print. 
NURSERY RHYMES. Songs without melody!!!

My how the pendulum swings back and forth -- in parenting, in education, in society. I can't imagine a peer my age that didn't know dozens of Nursery Rhymes by heart as a wee one. Today? Not-so-much. Parents are you 'teaching' your child the classics? Does your wonder-child no of the persistence of the Eency Weency spider? Does he know the finality in the morality play of the great Humpty? Actions have consequences. They 'couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.' 

photo of: Kindergarten Study of Nursery Rhymes: Humpty Dumpty Craft Project
Michigan Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme Craftivity 
The bow-tie wearing Humpty Dumpties were on a Michigan Kindergarten bulletin board filled with the smiling icons. My favorite part of this project? Of course I LUV the smiles, but take a close look at the brick walls. Each student has really 'built' their own brick wall with much attention to detail!!And much, much, much fine motor control was required. LUV LUV LUV it!! 

photo of: Nursery Rhyme Art Project using Egg Shells for Humpty Dumpty (preschool project)
NOW!! Take a look at this cutie-patootie Preschool project of brilliant color! 
[Here I'm gathering up photos from my 'music-lady' day in Indiana that concluded the school year.]

Think Preschool. 
Think Nursery Rhymes. 
Think Humpty Dumpty.

What better way to decorate your 'Humpties' than with a hands-on experience with coloring and cracking egg shells. BRAVO!!!! 

I absolutely ADORE the way these Humpties are having their 'great fall.' Look at these expressions!!! WoWzy-wowzers! These four + five year olds really are conveying the reality of a 'great fall.' 

My other favorite part of this project? This is obviously a lesson in DELAYED GRATIFICATION. This project was accomplished over time. First there's all of the painting involved in the walls. That's a LOT of effort folks. Then there's the time spent dying the eggs, cracking the egg shells, affixing them to the Humpty-heads. More effort. Projects that unfold over time are the cornerstone of the 
life-lesson that it takes effort and focus to 'get things done.' 

photo of: Nursery Rhyme Projects in Preschool: Humpty Dumpty Bulletin Board

Yes. Making my author-illustrator school visits is something akin to being the proverbial 'fly on the wall.' Seeing Nursery Rhymes in use in two different states in the mid-west is encouraging to me. Its an indication that educators have not thrown the baby-out-with-the-bath- water all together. Its an acknowledgement that the 'classics' are still recognized for their merit and contribution. 

photo of: Nursery Rhymes as the Basis of Science Projects in Kindergarten
Mrs. Miner's Monkey Business: Nursery Rhymes in Science Project

Our collaborative PreK+K Sharing blog had an article earlier this year by Krissy Miner in Maine on this very concept of the Value of Nursery Rhymes in Kindergarten. Here's the direct link over to her insightful thoughts. 

How do you incorporate Nursery Rhymes in your world? 

-- Debbie -- 

Did you see my recent round-up of all things Three Little Pigs? 
How about the 'new' classic: Pete the Cat

Added to Kindergarten RoundUP


  1. At my school we still do a three week unit on Nursery rhymes! I love them. You can do so much with them and the students can't get enough. I do Humpty Dumpty like the ones in the picture that you have on the red brick wall but I put a paper fastener in Humpty Dumpty so when we say the rhyme the students can move him from sitting to falling. They love it. Thanks for sharing the photos I got some great ideas!
    What I Learned in Kindergarten

    1. Michele, thanks so much for your fun comment. I can envision how you've used the paper fastener to clever advantage! I am so grateful for comments and makes it all worthwhile.


  2. Hi Debbie. I always include a Nursery Rhyme Unit with my K-3 classes. I know of one teacher who did it with older students. They created an assembly item and shared their spin-off rhymes with my Year 1 students. It was so much fun! Nursery rhymes hold so much value in the development of oral language skills and phonemic awareness. It saddens me to think that children are missing out on these early literacy skills, which are easily taught at home! Sharing this on Triple T Mum's Kids Co-op Showcase next week and pinning to the Kids Co-op Pinterest Board.


I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!