Sunday, September 18, 2011

High School Reunion FUN!!!

We've had an amazing weekend up in Mentor, OH -- with Allen's high school graduating class. All sorts of happy stories & memory sharing. This is us at the end of the two days worth of festivities. We have just returned to the nicest of nice 'home-away-from-homes' following an evening of yearbook laughter, dancing and "remember when" antics. What an amazing job the committee created by providing every possible venue for getting reacquainted. Folks came from Alaska, Hawaii, Texas, Florida and the like. A great time was had by all.

In the land of blogging and getting connected cybernetically, I have learned the significance of having a Facebook fanpage and have diligently added that to my on-going 'to-do' list. I have learned how to automatically sydicate other blogs there so expect all sorts of resources. My FB fanpage will be an up-to-the-minute chronicle of my upcoming travels, presentations, school author visits, library concerts, conferences and book store interactions. You first must 'like' the page at RainbowsWithinReach to get the behind the scenes insight. I would really appreciate that kindness.... please click right here to go there. Go there now to see where we are flying this afternoon. It's exciting!!

If this is your first visit, my REAL resource collection is over at Pinterest. Please consider 'following' my collections of pinned resources. I think the visual nature of that brilliant site is an inspiration to all teachers!!! Here's that link.

We are linking up our efforts over at The Lesson Plan Diva. Come visit over there and get introduced to lots of other educators who share ideas from their experience and corner of the world. [I never know exactly how to categorize my own blogging efforts?? After considering the choices offered in the linky party, my reflections & efforts here are probably most helpful for the kindergarten crowd & early elementary, so that's where you'll find me. There's never a category for Author/Illustrator/Music Lady speaking to educators on the significance of the Arts?!?! I'm so grateful for the link-up. Even if I am the square peg amidst the round ones. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.]

******This is your reminder that the PROMO Code is RWB911 to receive a 20% discount off the cover price of my national INDIE Award of Excellence picture book, "Red, White and Blue" over at my website. Click here for the opportunity to order. The discount is thru the end of September.
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  1. Great blog! And your pins are wonderful as well.

  2. I am your newest follower! I love your blog!
    <>< Crystal

  3. Welcome new friends!!! I am so grateful that you've found me. I'm a big fan of using the Arts with young children to foster their love of reading. Welcome to my slice of the rainbow!!


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