Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CO Author Visit: 2nd GRADE!

Blue Heron Elementary School. Author-Illustrator school visit. Second Grade.

It's awesome to get to fly across the country to spend time with our far flung, grand-kids (and their parents, too!!) We have arrived safely to Colorado, in the midst of the sunshine and have some lovely time to see our newest arrival. Grandchild #7, weighing in at 7 pounds and 7 ounces. She's gonna be one lucky little gal!!

That's Miss Cain turning pages while we 'read+ sing' together my second picture book, "Tall Giraffe." Everyone is keenly watching and joining in my cumulative phonemic fun frolic -- as the verses themselves are filled with rhyme, while in call and response style, they stack one on top of the next. It's a memory and skill test all in one!!

                        These second graders are up to the challenge!!

It's unusual for me to come into the classroom in my 'everyday clothes' and not be dressed in my usual Debbie Clement fan-fare, fun-ware.

Sign language is of such keen interest to the mature second graders. I'm happy to introduce them to a variety of signs to support the text of my songs.

                          EVERYBODY UP!!!! Let's get moving. Let's march!!!

A rousing sing-a-long of my Zaner-Bloser favorite, "Top to Bottom" -- which is all about print directionality. I think that you can see from their enthusiastic response that the song is still a big hit with the 2nd graders. [Click here to see a YouTube video of teachers learning it in one of my workshops this summer.]

Now that I'm an addict on Pinterest, I will make it a priority to document the environmental art, signage and other teacher happiness from my travels -- that I will then share with the wider world through 'pinning' to the appropriate boards. 

Here's one for class inspiration, the Blue Heron way:

This is Miss Cain's bulletin Anchor Chart to encourage writing.

Just before we were to get underway..... there was an excited SQUEAL!!! Turns out that the 'Desk Fairy' had made an impromptu visit while all of the class was off at the library together. Needless to say, this was a big wave of excitement. The fairy left small containers of Play-doh for the neat and tidy ones.

Here's the special chair for visiting author/illustrators.

And for those who follow Daily Five, here's some laminated motivation.

Follow Me on Pinterest
Editor's note from the future: 9/24/12
I now have over 61,000 followers on Pinterest! 
-- Debbie -- 
***** I was so happy to have this 'desk-fairy' idea to add to the 4th Grade Froggies link-up, now making suggestions on how to organize and keep the classroom neat + tidy. When I saw the link-up I remember the cute little desk-fairy 're-inforcement' that I'd seen used for the second graders. Hop on. Hop on!!

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  1. I love your desk fairy! Do you have any copies that you can send?

    1. Yes. This desk-fairy is the cutest. I only get credit for taking the picture of the fairy message and the treat left behind. I don't have the original 'files' to share. I'm glad that you like the idea!! Hopefully you can make something similar for your own use.


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