Saturday, September 17, 2011

Author/Illustrator House-Calls

You know that you are living your dream -- when you are asked by your friend & neighbor to make a 'house-call' in your professional role as author/illustrator for a ladies-tea-party with an aspiring young writer poised and eager to enter third grade. Here we are in Connie's living room in the midst-of-our-show-and-tell session. 

It's not Connie's fault that our pictures have a rather glow-in-the-dark feel. I had the camera inadvertently set on the 'sunset' setting when I handed it to her. I didn't notice our exuberant coloration until I'd downloaded the pictures several days later. No do-over in this case. Then somehow or other the photos got lost in my wack-doodle Picassa download system, that makes up hiding places for photos. Today when I went searching for something else that had gotten flukey-filed I found these from earlier in the summer. My sincere apologies for their tardiness.

We had a lovely afternoon together. I brought my signature "Door County" quilt as I knew that the girls would recognize Wilson's Ice Cream parlor in its flamboyant red & white striped awning. We had an opportunity to read each others work. My second grade writing peer brought her own author's journal and my favorites were her poems. We shared all about editing -- as I could see how she edits her handwritten work over time. PRICELESS!!!!! [The notebook on the coffee table is my writing friend's treasure of thoughts and images.]

What a thrill to have three generations sharing the power of writing and books and poetry and school and illustrations and aspirations and goals and plans and dreams and giggles, over cookies and lemonade and sunshine!! Oh, that every author should have such an opportunity. Oh, that every aspiring author should have such an opportunity. Oh. Grandmas are the best, aren't they? Cheers to all the grandmas who make special memories with their wonder children!

*****Here's my latest author aside. You heard it here first!! 
I have an invitation via FB, blogging and the cyber-world of friendship, to create my first ever SKYPE author school visit!!! How cool would this be? What will it take I wonder?? Stay tuned for future developments on this concept!!! Let us get the first one accomplished, but then let's start making a list!!! Who wants to be second? I think it would be a brilliant way to share. Monica Schroeder is cooking this up over in her second grade classroom. Go check out her blog for all sorts of ideas!! I received a runner's up spot in her recent American dream contest. So this is a fitting exchange for sure!!


*****And remember, there's still plenty of time to take advantage of the discount on my award winning picture book in our hands in these pictures. Through the month of September, all orders through my website using the promo code RWB911 will receive a 20% discount. I have had several 'rush' orders from teachers who intend to use it for Constitution Day study & festivities. VERY appropriate for Veteran's Day -- with plenty of time to plan for that occasion!

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