Wednesday, September 21, 2011

RAINBOW: Special Guest!!

It's always a welcome treat to enter the classroom to find original rainbows drying on the drying rack from open-ended art explorations. After I had so much fun yesterday with the second graders, it only seemed fitting to get myself invited back to the preschool for Finn's crew and buddies. We planned just a tad further ahead and so my visit got to be incorporated into the "Message of the Day." Special guest indeed!!

There will be so favoritism shown by the morning's photographer. Absolutely none. If there are 'extra' pictures of a little boy in an orange t-shirt, that is merely a co-incidence. If he happens to look a lot like our grandson, Finn, that is just a small world serendipity!!

In thinking through what I could do with the two classrooms worth of young-preschoolers without my prop box of goodies, I decided it would be a lot of fun to start with some guitar led favorites.  I appropriated my stepson Brian's guitar for the opening numbers which worked perfectly. Here we are showing our happy-face smiles for all of our assembled audience to appreciate.

                                             Get those wheels going around!!

                                                    The door goes open + shut!!
Here we are gathered in my first ever of "Debbie's Ditties.' The combined classes are cavorting on "Goldie's Goldfish." This is the part where we just about begin to s-h-a-k-e!!!!

Now's the time to launch into the 'author/illustrator' portion of our time together. Mrs. Nelson joins me up on stage in the spot-light and leads the children in their favorite, to the tune of the 'Farmer in the Dell.'

  • The author writes the words.
  • The author writes the words.
  • Hey, ho! Did you know?
    • The author writes the words!!!
  • The illustrator makes the pictures.
  • The illustrator makes the pictures.
  • Hey, ho! Did you know? 
  • The illustrator makes the pictures.  

"I think you're wonderful. I think you're marvelous.
I think you're beautiful and magical and filled with curiosity....
... and dreams." {Click here for a YouTube video of the tune.}
Now it's time to share, "Tall Giraffe" and the sign language for its rhymes.

Everyone's favorite part: "Happy lappy, tongue so slappy." Today Megan is wise to my antics and gets a close-up, while everyone chuckles together.

And one final grand finale, group participation, up and moving, ever watchful, focused, sing-a-long, jump-a-long, freeze-a-long jamboree of delight and amazement.

Can you believe the staff says that I'm welcome back? Chances are good for a return as we have young Duncan in the wings, to be followed eventually with Missy Maisie-Daisy.

Thanks for the invite to visit...... I'll look forward to my next colossal Colorado chorale!

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