Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Winter Themed Decorated Classroom Doors

Winter Themed Decorated Doors in Early Elementary via RainbowsWithinReach


WELCOME! I am just back to Florida from three different school visits across Texas. 
I have really been making the rounds wearing my "Author-Illustrator" hat and sharing my picture books with early elementary students. Oh happy day! 

As I travel I take as many pictures as time allows. I can see from my archives that the number one article ever referenced here shared a LOT of decorated classroom doors..... so I am ALWAYS on the prowl to find more of those for you my devoted readers!  Today I have a treasure trove of goodies! Kennedy-Powell Elementary goes ALL out when it comes to decorated doors! Thanks to Crystal of "Kreative in Kinder" for hosting my author adventure! Here's her recap of our wild times together! 

Snowman Decorated Classroom Door via RainbowsWithinReach

Penguin Themed Winter Decorated Classroom Door via RainbowsWithinReach

Winter Themed Decorated Classroom Door via RainbowsWithinReach

I wanted to be certain that you could read the subtitle for this door, 
so here's a close up of  "SNOW MUCH FUN!" 

Winter Themed Decorated Classroom Door via RainbowsWithinReach

With this latest fascination with all things "Moustache" this next door is up to the minute! 
Can you see the student photos have been adorned with 'staches? 

Moustache Themed Decorated Door for Winter via RainbowsWithinReach

Planets and space-themed are ALWAYS in style! 
Combining planets into a snowman? 

Space Themed Winter Decorated Classroom Door via RainbowsWithinReach

Extra-credit points for getting the students INVOLVED! 

Winter Themed Decorated Door via RainbowsWithinReach

Winter Themed Decorated Door via RainbowsWithinReach

Winter Themed Decorated Door via RainbowsWithinReach

Seasonal Decorated Door

Here are a few additional glimpses around the hallways. 
We're moving beyond decorated doors to seasonal bulletin boards. 

Season Bulletin Board via RainbowsWithinReach

These next two are topic specific. 
Having 'MUSIC' detail the learning areas is a Win/WIN!!
I will be certain to pin this image to my "Music Makers" pinboard.  

MUSIC Bulletin Board via RainbowsWithinReach

Music people will appreciate this earlier image. 


Here's an idea for all of the librarians who read along.............

I also have a pinboard for "Going to the Library" 
which, BTW that is my FREEBIE download at Teachers Pay Teachers. 

The zipped file you will receive has my song, "Going to the Library" in Mp3 format. 
There is a set of power point slides for the lyrics. 

I'd be so grateful if you'd leave some comment LUV. 

LIBRARY Acrostic via RainbowsWithinReach

Just in time for a Valentine's Day lesson on quotation marks and conversations! 
Look at this Valentine's Day Bulletin Board! 

Valentine's Day "Conversations" Bulletin Board via RainbowsWithinReach

Here's a couple of peeks from me in the midst of my author presentation. 
Thanks again to Crystal for the photos! 

And here's the two of us together, fellow presenters at SDE!
She's holding my picture book collection!  

***While we're on the topic of decorated doors............ 
I'm going to 're-run' this Lorax, as all things Seuss are just around the corner! 

The Lorax Decorated Classroom Door via RainbowsWithinReach

Also from the 'oldies-but-goodies' department. 
How can you go wrong with a bulletin board for Common Core! 

Common Core Bulletin Board via RainbowsWithinReach

I made a 'square' image for my friends on Instagram. Are you following me there? I am enjoying that format of social networking -- more so, by the day! I'm getting close to a thousand followers and you know how we like round numbers in cyber-ville! 

Winter Themed Door Decorations! via RainbowsWithinReach

I host a collaborative PINBOARD on all things related to Bulletin Boards & Decorated Classroom Doors. 
There are 123 collaborating teachers and over 2,600 items already pinned for your support. 
{click picture below} 

Collaborative pinboard on Classroom Door Decorations & Bulletin Boards

In real time I am getting ready to shoot some videos on behalf of Zaner-Bloser! They are my corporate friends that have previously commissioned me to create songs for their PreK+K curriculum as it relates to Handwriting. 

Photo: PROGRESS! Here's the before and first stage of block painting. Two days to figure out what to do to create a "skirt".....
I am creating a new 'costume' that will be film worthy. It can't have my typical array of polka-dots and stripes that I'm used to -- as that wouldn't film easily. So I am in the midst of painting solid blocks of color onto an overall jumper. That's how things started out and here is where I am at this exact moment. 

Photo: UPDATE! End of day number 2 progress..... Now to add a skirt! First I have to go get my driver's license: fun fun. Time is vaporizing. We leave tomorrow for a school visit on the gulf side. Then fly on fri!

For REALZ they were already lined in polka-dots, so I will have them close to my heart to fortify me! I have got to get this article published so that I can sew a ruffle to the bottom somehow making a skirt. I'm not exactly certain how that is going to work. 

[My FB friend Alicia notes that the back pockets are shaped to represent the map of the state of Ohio -- where we will be filming. More on all of that excitement next week!!!] 

Photo: Cupcakes for all! Today is our Noelle's Happppppy Birthday! Isn't it fun to watch her grow up? We LOVE you YoYo!

AND............ on the homefront. Yesterday was the birthday of our youngest daughter. I was able to assemble this little collage in a heartbeat on my phone. I'm LUVing the apps that I have newly uploaded. And for my own mommy, here the picture that for whatever reason I couldn't get to email you. We were just in Augusta over the weekend and were able to visit, go to church and have brunch before we hit the road. 

Photo: Leaving my parents after a delightful visit! Next stop? Palm trees and sand..... Happy Sunday everyone.

On to my sewing machine now and packing for a school visit over on the gulf side, 
on the way to the airport and flying into the tundra to hug my WonderPeeps. 

Can you do me a little favor? 
Pin your favorite. 
People 'find' me because of Pinterest -- all the time.
I'm so grateful for your help!  

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