Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jungle Animals as Door Decorations in Preschool

Decorated Classroom Doors using Jungle Animals in Preschool via RainbowsWithinReach


Are you ready for some serious early childhood EXCELLENCE? These images are 'hot' off of my memory card from just yesterday. It has been a road-trip sort of weekend. I had the opportunity to speak for ACSI in Chesapeake, VA. The event took place in the midst of an incredible ECE building, We gathered together at the Greenbrier Christian Academy.  

Walking into the preschool commons, I was greeted with these three amazing 'decorated' classroom doors. Currently the program is doing an "Around-the-World" theme. I learned at the end of the day, that the teachers change their door decorations in response to the season and or their theme. I also learned that this is the second year for these beauties to be used (and hence the lamination -- making them glorious from year-to-year.) 

Decorated Classroom Door for Giraffe Theme via RainbowsWithinReach

I knew that you'd want to have a close up of each animal's "face"....... so I was focused in my photo taking, on your behalf. ENJOY! Be certain to look at the eyelashes from animal to animal. These are even given a three dimensional effect. Such attention to detail! 

Decorated Classroom Door for Giraffe Theme (face detail) via RainbowsWithinReach

If you're brand new here, you don't realize my affection and enthusiasm for all things giraffe. {My second picture book is entitled "Tall Giraffe" and is base on the original song for children that I wrote by that title.} I presented my two break out workshops in the very commons area outside of these classrooms! Imagine how THRILLED I was to see this GLORIOUS creature. 

Of course I had to pose in my giraffe costume with such a perfect backdrop. 

Debbie Clement, author of "Tall Giraffe" with decorated classroom door

Now take a look at the other two brilliant completed projects. 

Decorated Classroom Door with Tiger Theme via RainbowsWithinReach

Decorated Classroom Door with Tiger Theme (face detail) via RainbowsWithinReach

Decorated Classroom Door with Zebra Theme via RainbowsWithinReach

Decorated Classroom Door with Zebra Theme (face detail) via RainbowsWithinReach

Here are a few more glimpses of  goodies around their rooms. 
These headband animal crowns are absolutely classic!

Jungle Animal Crown Headbands via RainbowsWithinReach

These lovely "Z" is for Zebra projects were on a bulletin board in the Commons as well. I LUV LUV LUV that each child was given the genuine freedom to create their own Z!

Z is for Zebra Craft Project via RainbowsWithinReach

"Word Bank" for Vocabulary Words via RainbowsWithinReach

"Word Bank" for Vocabulary Words with Definitions via RainbowsWithinReach

I have two earlier articles here and here on my blog filled with jungle/zoo animal projects. 
You'll want to go back to take a look at all of those ideas. 
The first article is at this click and includes the monkey decorated door below.

photo of: Monkey theme Classroom door decoration, zoo bulletin board, jungle reading decoration

Jungle Animal Art Projects for Young Children (RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

Would you be a sweetheart and pin from this article? 
That's the way that folks 'find' me for the first time! 

I now have 145,000 followers at Pinterest. 
Plus this weekend I clicked over to my first thousand followers at Instagram! 

P.S. On our way back home from VA we were able to make a quick stop to see my parents again. 
Here are the four of us in the hallway at church this morning. 

We leave on Thursday for Colorado and that portion of the family. 

Photo: The four of us at church this morning. Augusta, GA and now to brunch!

Mom. I put this together and know that you'll appreciate it, too! 

Ocean Quote of Teamwork and Togetherness from Debbie Clement (RainbowsWithinReach)

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