Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Word from our Sponsor: Reaching Out.

Living a "Reality Show" episode is fraught with challenges.

I think its time for a brief 'heart-to-heart'.........

In an effort to support our daughter in her recovery from recent surgery, we have had their nearly four year twins in our care for the last three weeks.

I've learned a lot about myself over these passing days.
  • (Grand)Parenting is tuff-stuff.
  • (Grand)Parenting is fed by fluttering eye lashes. 
  • (Grand)Parenting is un-relenting.
  • (Grand)Parenting is treasured moments suspended-in-time.
  • (Grand)Parenting is a jigsaw puzzle with no picture on the box.
  • (Grand)Parenting is a rush of ah-ha glimmers.
  • (Grand)Parenting is learning in motion.
  • (Grand)Parenting is a battle of wills. 
  • (Grand)Parenting is a gift.
  • (Grand)Parenting is exhausting.
  • (Grand)Parenting is a constant test of limits.
  • (Grand)Parenting is a joy beyond measure.
  • (Grand)Parenting is a continual trail of 'stuff' on the floor.
  • (Grand)Parenting is an opportunity to look into an amazing mirror.
  • (Grand)Parenting is easier when fed by a good night's sleep.
  • (Grand)Parenting is about tools: bandaids, kisses + one green marble.
  • (Grand)Parenting is best when supported: by prayer + encouragement.
  • (Grand)Parenting is one gynormous-glorious possibility-of-potential that unfolds right in front of your eyes.
Taking a set of boy/girl twins to a gigantic full-size public playground is an opportunity to observe all manner of 'issues' as they relate to gender and capability. We happened across an amazing playground with HUGE HUGE HUGE climbing structures/slides and a dramatic climbing wall. Let the stereo-types begin. No?

In the blink of an eye, before any of us knew what was happening, our little-Red took off under her own steam to explore said climbing wall. Zip-zip-zip. Up she went. The other grandpa at the park was as much in shock as we were!! Stupified. He wanted to know EXACTLY how old she was. He'd never seen anything like it before! He's at the park on a daily basis. And all in a purple sundress!!

Reminded me of that quote about Ginger Rogers doing everything Fred Astair did -- only going backwards and in heels. Purple sundress, indeed! All the while she was working on this daring effort (and then repeating it over and over) her twin brother stood there in amazement. Watching. There was no way on earth any amount of coaxing and cajoling would intrigue him sufficiently to touch the lowest footholds. Interesting. YOU GO GIRL!! 

She comes by her super-powers genetically. She comes from a long line of women-who-excel. I'm happiest when I'm leaping tall buildings in a single bound. On the occasions when my cancer diagnosis and treatments have reminded me of limitations I've gotten cranky. Watching her audition for the next Spiderman movie made me think a lot about limitations, boundaries, challenges and also needing to ask for help. Knowing when to say when.

The fact of the matter is that I'm not able to do 'that' (the leaping tall buildings part -- the keeping up with 'my' life i.e. blogging) and chase these two around all day. I made a woe-is-me whine in a blogging support group. Bingo-bango shazam, my fellow bloggers offered to write guest posts, to help keep my rainbow-banner unfurled as I play with my WonderTwinz.

Over the coming weeks I will be introducing you to an array of amazing, kind and generous authors who are pitching in to keep the lights on here -- so that I can regroup. HURRAH for cyber friends. Why didn't I think of this before? Having guest authors will enhance what I'm able to offer here. Get ready to meet some super-power people. Get ready! Allison of "No Time for Flash Cards" has taken the lead off spot with her recent guest-article. Click back in case you missed her delightful PAINTING project to bring spring inside. Wait till you see who I have in the wings!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart WonderWomen.

                                       -- Debbie--

p.s. I seriously have no idea how on earth the "mommy-bloggers" do-it-all and look so polished in the process. They have quite a few things to teach me as they go about their wonder-ways.


  1. I LOVE it!!!! Someday, when she's older, I'll tell her how I met her great uncle Dave when I went to his house to buy a pair of climbing shoes!!!

    And let me give you fair warning now, Columbus constructed a great outdoors climbing venue about six months ago. The next time you're in town, you'll be climbing right along side Little Red! :-)


    1. Stephanie!!!! A great outdoors climbing venue?!?!?! I wonder if they will allow three year olds? LOL!! Thanks for stopping by. It's so much fun to find a comment on a post.

      Always grateful to hear from readers.



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