Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Fun with ACTION Words" guest post from Mama Mia!

Hello Rainbows Within Reach readers... I am Mia and I blog over at Mama Mia's Heart2Heart.  I'm thrilled to be here today and hope that you will like this fun learning activity that my daughter absolutely loves.

I don't know about your little one, but mine has extra energy on some days... a lot of times, days when I really just need her to be calm yet for some reason those are the days that she has way too much energy.  

So I try to find ways to keep her occupied with simple activities like this one that we did with water bottles last week.  And this week, we did this very simple activity that introduces action words. 

So I simply got 9 construction paper, wrote out 9 action words on it and taped them on the floor.

We used a glitter pen...because that's all I could find at the our "marker."  All lele did was throw this pen on the floor and whatever construction paper it landed on, she would perform the action word on it.

This kept her entertained for a while and my 8 month old was entertained as well watching her sister dance or jump or turn...

Lele's favorite action word to do was turn.  She purposely threw the pen on this particular action word.  I don't know why but I think she gets a certain thrill in making herself dizzy or something.  She had tons of fun with it.  

Hope you try this with your little's simple to make but loads of fun!!!

Editor's Note: Rainbow FRIENDS!!!! Isn't this guest-author concept the very best idea? LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV this concept which could be adapted in so many variations!!! Thanks so much, MamaMia for helping keep the lights on here.

                                                                                    -- Debbie --

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