Saturday, January 28, 2012

Best Practice in Preschool

photo of: Visual schedule for preschool, Preschool day schedule with photographs
Visual Schedule for PreSchool Activities

"I'm glad I'm at school today!"

Arriving on location to a 'new-for-me' school I'm so excited to have the time to go from room to room to see how things are organized, see how the day unfolds, see the projects that have recently been completed.

This is a visual schedule for one room here in Florida at VPK. Love the description, the little clock, the time frame and the photograph -- all 'clues' into how the day unfolds, what comes next, running a smooth day and building consistency and trust in the process...... all supports to children's sense of anticipation, what-comes-next and ease with transitions + the children's planning. KUDOS!!
Click back here to see a visual schedule for younger children, from my recent NY visit.

photo of: Fine motor at the chalk board, fine motor development, fine motor in Preschool
Traditional black-board: opportunity for fine-motor fun in preschool!!!

As I'm buzzing about the program taking a look at as much as I can, the children are already arriving and having fun creating some original work on their traditional blackboard. Letters being written and little creatures taking shape. ALL at the same time!!!! LUV me some opportunities for cooperation! Plenty of chalk and a big enough blackboard: TA-DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have opportunities to CHOOSE fine motor fun -- available in a heartbeat, strengthening all of the muscles in the process.

-- Debbie --

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