Sunday, January 11, 2009

"One Community" Favorite!

We've spent nearly every waking minute of the last week, in the recording studio getting the ZB project mixed. Last night, BEFORE midnight, we finished song number thirty-seven, without the benefit of a marching band or champagne..... but oh so very exciting to cross the finish line, before turning into a pumpkin. Now there's only one more step that remains before we can depart for FL -- the whole project needs to be mastered, and then off we go. The car is packed.

There are numerous songs on the new album that are my favorites, each for different reasons. I've often said that "Rain, Rain" is my favorite...... the one with the Ashanti echo, but then I change my mind and think that the slamming bass line in "Respected/Connected" makes it my favorite and I can envision kids dancing up a storm. But last night as we were mixing the thirty-fifth song "One Community" became my new ALLLLL-time favorite. The lyric is simple and from the heart. The arrangement is clean and gets into your brain. The harmony vocals are awesome. The children's voices are amazingly sweet. Stir it all together and what emerges is 'an instant classic.' I already know most of the lyrics in sign language and the pacing of the song will allow children to sign along, in performance, in the same way that they do to "You're Wonderful." I have high hopes for this one. It will be gorgous for graduation.

Thanks Dan for all of your dedication to getting this accomplished. Thanks Ronn for all of your incredible efforts and for applying all your mad-skills to this album. Thanks children for your contribution. Thanks ZB for the project!!

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