Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gold Master & FL Arrival

The months of effort, the meetings, the focus, the approving-the-lyrics drafts, the arrangements, the concentration, the gazillion trips to the studio....... all have congeeled to form a new, completed recording!! We finished the gold master yesterday a few minutes before 4:00 and I dropped it off at ZB head-quarters a few minutes after 4:00. Back to our house a minute before 5:00 and on the road, heading south -- the BIG SOUTH by 5:15. We were completely packed before starting the day.

So we have now arrived at our "southern-extension-office" (our brand new little home, built just south of Ocala FL), set in the midst of palm trees and sunshine -- oh, and coincidentally sitting on the ninth fairway, a stone's throw from the community hub/pool/clubhouse. We just heard the "extreme-cold" forcast for tomorrow is expected to only reach 65 degrees by afternoon's end?? Ya just gotta love FLoriDA..... it's all in one's perspective, isn't it? We're thinkin' that sounds pretty good for mid-January. We don't intend to shovel any heavy white accumulation at this branch. Pictured above is my new little "perch" for blogging: our new black leather RECLINING sofa, adorned with the leather polka-dot pillows from Door County (relocated from my northern office) and their new IKEA friends.

My agenda for the next ten days includes such exciting things as: bike riding, curtain making, bike riding, reading, bike riding, photographing, bike riding, FaceBook, bike riding, reading, bike riding, blogging, bike riding. Rinse and repeat. It's time to get my bearings in these new surroundings. Make some new friends. Take a walk or two. Do something radical: bake a quiche? Go exploring? Get my winter coat dry-cleaned. It's amazing what a new view can do for the brain.

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