Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pinterest-Power Annual Analysis

Time to make a note to myself. It was exactly a year ago that I made the commitment to my blogging effort to get this little journal of mine connected to the wider world. Tonight it's time to have a little reflection. Take a look at my Google Analytics Report Card. 

Let's take a look back over these recent months. I'm breakin' it down and spelling it out for my benefit:

  • January of this year was the first month where I sustained an average 1000 page views per day for an entire month!!! 3.5 years in the making, but real progress! I kept at that clip for the first quarter of Jan thru April -- squeaking up to 36K for April. 
  • Then LOOK at May!!! Over 2K daily pageviews for an entire month:over da moon! 
  • June? Almost 3K sustained daily pageviews for an entire month!!!!!! 
  • Are you sitting down? Look at this month! 5.5K pagesviews every day for an entire month!!!!!!! Pinch me! Squeeze me! Cupcakes + PomPOMs!!!! 
I realize that I'm the only one completely fascinated by all of this -- so its for my benefit that I spell it out. All of those months where I was basically talking to myself and some loved ones here in my blogging-cave...... this concept of actual readers in growing numbers is beyond my wildest imagination!! 

So what do I credit for this astronomical growth? Many factors! 

  1. I purchased 31 Days to Better Blogging one year ago. 
  2. I joined Teaching Blog Traffic School EXACTLY one year ago. 
  3. I've made a concerted effort to 'evolve' my blog-sharing-reporting style + material. 
  4. I've learned that I need to submit 'properties' for my photos for Google's benefit (thanks to Carolyn of WiseowlFactoryFree Lessons)
I looked back into my annals and I joined Pinterest on August 17th -- just about a year ago. Is it any coincidence that all of this growth overlaps? I think not. It's a combination of everything I've been learning: of course. Writing better articles. Linking them to other bloggers. Claiming the properties...... and then harnessing the power of Pinterest at the same time! I'm learning and having the muscle of Pinterest is the perfect timing to bring it all together. 

I can't wait to see my report card a year from now... I have so much more to learn and I'm making progress! 
   I have big news tomorrow! Can't wait! Growth is good!
-- Debbie --


  1. Congrats! This is awesome. :-)

    1. Zina!!! Thanks a ton. I need to go back and add the specifics of getting involved with groups such as the Co-op. It has been such a boost to my visibility -- all Pinterest driven, but the effort and insight of the group experience is what makes the P views possible! <3



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