Friday, December 14, 2012

Multi-Generational Love, Talent + Singing

31 Days of Service E-Book
Mom It Forward Holiday Service Ideas
For those who have been following my little rainbow adventures for a while, you know how I've been working hard to get myself connected to others through cyber-space. I've been networking behind the scenes and working with other bloggers excited about the collaborative efforts that unfold when we work together.

I've been following the bright adventures of Stacy over at "Kids Stuff World" and she invited several of us to join her in the "Mom it Forward" Month of Service efforts. I signed up for today, the 14th: Share Your Talent. I am the epitome of the share-your-talent-cheerleader! That's what I do for a living. For a legacy. For literacy. For LUV! As an author-illustrator-music-lady making school + library visits around the country -- I'm all about sharing my talent. Easy peasy, right? That's what I thought, too. 

WonderPeeps Arrive at "The Oaks" Nursing Home

Weeks later I finally read the fine print for the 14th service project. Beyond sharing your talent -- which I thought would be easy to write about..... there was a suggestion to go singing songs at a nursing home in the spirit of the month of service and bringing cheer to others. All righty then!

Tonight, as I type, its still the 13th and my actual-factual BIRTHDAY! As a special present we had l-o-n-g ago made reservations to fly from sunny FL to chilly OH to spend my special day with my very own WonderPeeps! So sharing talent, nursing home, WonderPeeps and service.... straight off the runway tarmac.  

We landed at the airport, gathered luggage, made our way to the extreme hugs and kisses of a birthday greeting fit for a diva and I packed up my trio and headed to the closest nursing home. Turns out its better to call ahead. We were fortunate to talk a guide into allowing us to give a little sing-a-long concert to those gathered in the hallway -- on a wheelchair parade. The peeps were somewhat intimidated by the parade.

I will edit out the part of the Wonders hiding behind me during talent-sharing 'caroling' and the truth that a 3 foot decorative angel nearly took flight in our midst, due to some spirited cheer on our part upon warming up to our surroundings. I will focus instead on the smiles that were created and the joy that was felt! It also turns out that the nursing home frowns on the taking of photos: (nuff said.) You'll just have to believe me about the public portion of our sing-a-long. Turns out that the residents were the most spirited singers following my lead! 

photo of: multi-generation LOVE
WonderPeeps with their own Great "Grandma-Nana"
It dawned on me at that moment, that while the nursing home suggestion was brilliant, my WonderPeeps have their very own GREAT Grand-mother just a rush-hour drive away. A mad dash through downtown Cow-town rush hour traffic (hopefully that interstate trooper with the speed gun pointed at my borrowed mini-van gave us some grace for the mad-dash part) and we arrived for gen-u-ine hugs, singing and allowable photos. 

It turns out that singing for seniors is not about being in tune, or remembering verses or standing up straight. It turns out that singing is just as much about smiles and snuggles with relatives and smiles and willingness with strangers. 

What great birthday memories for me. What great memories for our audience(s). 
What a bunch of giggles for the WonderPeeps! 

My suggestion: call ahead to the nursing home. Oh, and watch out for the three foot angels in the hallway. They may not be anchored down sufficiently for the enthusiasm of your wonders! Oh. And watch the speed limit, too!

photo of: An "Open Letter of Encouragement" from Debbie Clement of RainbowsWithinReach
Inspirational, Motivational Pep Talk for Making Dreams Come True Over Time
If you're looking for how I share-my-talent, or a pep-talk on how you can share yours, making your dreams come true.... I have just the earlier article. Just last week I gave my first NATIONAL keynote and I wrote a joyous and triumphant 'how-to' about that life changing milestone. 

-- Debbie -- 

1 comment:

  1. Debbie, you really are one of the sweetest ladies I know. Thank you for all that you do, today and everyday.


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