Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Time Fun!! Guest Post by A. McDonald

The most delightful thing about the cyber world is the opportunity to 'meet' amazing people from far and wide. I recently had an opportunity to write a guest post for Allison of "No Time for Flash Cards" fame [click here to see the thoughts on creativity I shared with her readers.] I'm so thrilled to introduce my regular readers to this delightful author and her corner of the world -- from here beneath my rainbow-banner.  -- Debbie --

Guest Post by Allison McDonald of No Time For Flash Cards

Has spring sprung where you are? Here in the very rainy PNW we are finally seeing some signs. On a walk with my daughter last weekend we saw and played with the pretty pink blossoms on the cherry trees that are all over our town. This is a simple craft but a great way to bring outside in even if it's raining and celebrate spring and new beginnings. Whenever I do an activity like this with a group of kids ( I did this one with 4 ) I start with a question.

"What is happening to the trees outside?"

Let them answer .


After the answers are all shared and every voice has had a chance to speak up I will direct the discussion if need be, With these guys there was no issue. " It's spring, the trees are getting leaves! The sun is making it grow! "

Then we went outside for some branches.

When we came back in we grabbed some paint, cupcake liners and brushes.

I offered lots of colors of paint and of course it all got mixed together they loved the way it swirled.

Painted the liners and let them dry just a bit.

Fold and cut.

Now the group I was with would not have been able to do the hot gluing but if you are doing this with kids that are able , I would have them glue their own on the branches.

I popped the branches in a old vase , it was easier to glue already in the vase.

I used a lot of glue and only burned myself twice ( a record for me, I am a glue gun jinx) happily no "bad" words were said in front of other people's kids.

Voila a little bit of kids made spring for your classroom or house.

Allison McDonald is a former teacher and the founder of a blog all about early education, kids' activities and crafts.


  1. I LOVE No Time For Flashcards - YAY for an awesome guest blogger and post!!!

    Sending smiles from the south,


    1. I'm so fortunate to have the support of other amazing bloggers. How fantastic to have Allison jump in to offer such a delightful idea for my readers here. :)



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