Sunday, November 13, 2011

Geometry, Shapes & Paint

Have I mentioned lately just how much I LUV Pinterest?

Now as I make my visits to schools wearing my author/illustrator hat I always plan to arrive early enough to spend some valuable time documenting what I observe on the walls of the classrooms where I get to share my childrens songs and my picture book versions I've created as well.

These four amazing examples were on the walls at "Big Hands, Little Hearts" in their PreK + K wrap-around room. How awesome is this work?? I wish I had been a fly on the wall when it was being created. Obviously all four of these examples are stellar interpretations of shapes. How much do you appreciate the invented spelling?

The art-teacher, nerdie-mathematician in me rejoices to see this sort of 'study' in the hands of the wee masters. High school geometry teachers everywhere must do cartwheels-of-glee to see the capability at this young age. Now its just a matter of developing these concepts over time and adding some equations to the mix.

[This post was added to Deb's linkie-party at Living Montessori Now on all things geometric. So glad that you've found me from her blog. I'd be so grateful if you'd become one of my followers. Thanks -- Debbie.]

This article is now being added to the first-ever Linkie Party being hosted by our collaborative blog, PreK+K Sharing!!!! Just click on our button below and you'll be transported over to an AMAZING Array of all sorts of incredible ideas on: All THINGS PAINTING. Obviously painting can be totally 'open-ended' in a delightful process mindset, or it can be used as above in the 'teaching' of a topic -- even MATH!! even GEOMETRY!!
PreK + K Sharing


  1. Debbie, thanks for the reminder of a great geometric shapes extension! I always love to see the works children create! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  2. Thank you for linking up at the PreKandK Sharing collaborative We LOVE paint linky party!!


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