Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Children's Art for Fall

LOOK at these INCREDIBLE paintings!!! Can you believe these were painted by 5 year olds?  WOW!!!!
Incredible Paintings by 5 years Olds for Lesson on Fall Trees + Color Reflections in the Water: AMAZING!

  With the wizardry of Pinterest I am now making a point of arriving extra-early for my Author-in-the-School visits. I can now share with the wider world the amazing work that I see on display as I am invited about the countryside to share my ARTS with children.  
These beauties were made by brand new five year olds and were hanging in the multi-purpose room where I would later perform for the kindergarten + PreK classes of the Primary School of St. John's Episocal. My first Florida kindergarten visit!!!! I met the teachers of this amazing program last summer out in Las Vegas at ITK ("I Teach Kindergarten") which is produced annually by Staff Development for Educators. 

Fall Bulletin Board in Front Entryway of PreK + K Building: Colorful Leaves Painted from Leaf Study

Autumnal Observations

*****I have added this post to the first sponsored linkie party over at our collaborative blog: PreK+K Sharing. The linkie is to celebrate all 'painting' ideas! 

Just click on our button here -- to go to the exact post containing all of the Painting Ideas from everyone!!
PreK + K Sharing


  1. they are amazing aren't they! i'd be happy if i'd made the first one, such great feeling.

  2. I was particularly fascinated with the brush strokes of the water in the 'enlarged' painting of the reflection. Pretty amazing project for this age group.

    LUV the feeling, too.

  3. where are you in Florida right now? I love the colors of Fall Art!

  4. JOANNA!!!! We have settled into our Ocala home for the season. We will be spending a chunk of time in southern FL in Jan.

    I think its time for me to come to you!!!!

    My visit yesterday was in Tampa.

  5. Thanks for linking up to the PreKandK Sharing We LOVE Paint linky! I love the variety of different outcomes featured with the fall leaf study!


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