Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Zoom Lens Along Q

After I filled my senses with the gorgous manicured gardens at the corner of Q and 57, I took the lesser traveled route east, along Q. From there I then pedaled further and took a lovely little side venture down a dead-end road with a dozen cabins along the Lake MI bay. When I got to the very 'deadest-of-the-end' I saw a delicate crane out in the rushes. Testing the zoom capacity of my camera I caught her: resting, craning and then taking off. Nothing for National Geographic, but I was thrilled to get to watch the delicate dance unfold.

It was a total of only 12.5 miles by bicycle. At the very beginning of my pedaling I was stopped by two female cyclists who were 'lost' at the end of our road. I got them back to their predetermined route..... they were in the midst of riding 100 miles for the day. It certainly put my little 12.5 into perspective. I'm grateful to be able to ride. I'm hoping to accomplish a 'long' ride before all is said and done for the season. One hundred miles is not the number for my bucket list, tho. Wonder if I can hit fifty, tho??
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