Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Seven Children: Thank You

My little "paper doll" family begins to emerge from my fabric stash-collection. I remembered that last season my quilt-store owner, buddy, Linda introduced me to this incredible product from Steam-a-Seam. It's very much like Wonder Under, but it's designed to be 'respositionable' by having double peeling sides. Difficult to explain, but sooooo much fun to use -- especially when this whole quilt will essentially be fused. (After I described what I was doing, she suggested I would prefer the lighter-weight variety, as it's more flexible.) I may end up piecing borders for above & below the kiddos. We shall see. I'm thinking of paper-piecing a 'string of pennant flags' as they are 'performing' my song..... all caught in the act of signing "Thank You."

It's taking shape! I've been thinking about this concept since last year. It's thrilling to see it starting to emerge. What a gift to have "time" at my disposal. Now I'm wondering how many children will be in the finished design?? PROGRESS!! Just in time to walk downtown for tonight's sunset extravaganza.

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