Sunday, September 25, 2016

Professional Development Opportunity with Mr. Greg + Debbie Clement


I am truly honored to be joining my friend "Mr. Greg" in a day of professional development on the horizon. We are just about a month out from my joining the great traveling Smorgasboard of training. 

Over the last several years I have had the great good fortune to make annual author visits to Greg's school(s). We have established a mutual admiration society for each other's work and approach to working with children. 

These next several images are some of my favorite EV!ER! I have shared them previously and they have made their way into my power-point presentation and I shared them again this weekend, while speaking at FL-AEYC in Orlando. 

If you follow Greg's blog, you're aware that he opened up his classroom quite a while ago -- and his students often can be found working on the floor and other less traditional manners.

Here you see his squad working on preparing their own AUTHENTIC ART responses to the graphic illustrations from my first picture book, "You're Wonderful." {If you look carefully at the top of the classroom rug, you can see my book.... being used as reference material.} 

Here are six of the original responses. 
Each unique. 
Each special. 
Each original. 
Be still my heart. 

There is still time to join us. 
As I type, there is still space available. 
Greg's first such day sold out! 
Don't wait a whole lot longer. 
Find a friend and come together!!! 

Take a peek at the outline of our day together. 
I'm going to get things started in the morning.
My goal is to motivate and inspire. 
I will be sharing ALL three of my picture books: 
their songs, the sign language to support them 
and encouragement to pursue your own AUTHENTIC responses. 

Click picture to learn MORE! 
You need to register at Mr. Greg's. 
Click any of the photos
to learn more on his blog. 
To register directly, go to this link

If you missed seeing us in VEGAS, 
you're not too late! 
October 29th!!!